Contact Sensor#

The Contact Sensor uses the PhysX Contact Report API to generate a sensor reading similar to what one would have with contact cells, or pressure based sensors placed on the surface of an object. The Contact Sensor API builds on the Contact Report API by providing contact data filtered by the object it was placed in, along with an optional filter only consider contacts in a specific region of the object. For example, imagine a quadruped robot with sensors in its feet. While in the simulation the entire leg is treated as a rigid body, the only place we can measure contact are on the foot pads, so we can add a region filter that will discard any contacts outside of that boundary. The Contact Sensor API also provides persistent contact data, even when the PhysX engine stops streaming contacts to preserve compute time. While the simulation provides full information about the contacts, such as contact pairs, normals and contact points, the Contact Sensor API was designed to match real-data obtained by single-cell contact pads. Ultimately, if full contact data is needed, the Contact Sensor API gets you the filtered contact information without any changes from what was acquired in PhysX.

See the Isaac Sim Conventions documentation for a complete list of NVIDIA Isaac Sim conventions.

Contact Sensor Properties

  1. radius parameter specifies the distance of the contact force that it would sensor_period

  2. enabled parameter determines if the sensor is running or note

  3. min threshold parameter specifies the minimum amount of force to trigger a contact

  4. max threshold parameter specifies the maximum amount of force the sensor will output

  5. sensor period parameter specifies the time in between sensor measurement. A sensor period that’s lower than the physics downtime will always output the latest physics data. The sensor frequency cannot go beyond the physics frequency.


Creating and Modifying the Contact Sensor#

Assuming there is a prim present in the scene to which you wish to add a contact sensor, the following steps will let you create and modify a contact sensor.

  1. To create a Physics Scene, go to the top Menu Bar and click Create > Physics > Physics Scene. Verify that there is now a PhysicsScene Prim in the Stage panel on the right.

  2. To create a contact sensor, left click on the prim to attach the contact sensor on the stage, then go to the top Menu Bar and click Create > Sensors > Contact_sensor.

  3. To change the position and orientation of the contact sensor, use Translate and Orientate tab.

  4. To change other contact sensor properties, click Raw USD Properties and properties such as min/max force threshold, enable/disable sensor, sensor period will be available to modify.

Contact Sensor Example#

To run the Contact Sensor Example:

  1. Activate Robotics Examples tab from Windows > Examples > Robotics Examples.

  2. Click Robotics Examples > Sensors > Contact Sensor.

  3. You should now see a window containing the sensor’s force readings color coded by each ant’s arm.

  4. Press the Open Source Code button to view the source code. The source code illustrates how to load an Ant body into the scene and then add sensors to it using the Python API.

  5. Press the PLAY button to begin simulating.

  6. Press SHIFT + LEFT_CLICK to drag the ant around and see changes in the readings.


OmniGraph Workflow#

The following is a tutorial on using OmniGraph to interact with and visualize the Contact Sensor’s readings.

Scene Setup#

  1. Add a cube to the stage by Create > Mesh > Cube, select the cube and drag it up. Then select the cube and right click Add > Physics > Rigid Body with Colliders Preset.

  2. Add a physics scene by Create > Physics > PhysicsScene.

  3. Add a ground plane by Crete > Physics > GroundPlane.

  4. Finally, add a contact sensor by selecting the cube, and select on the top menu Create > Sensors > Contact Sensor.

Read Contact Sensor Action Graph set up

OmniGraph Setup#

Now let’s set up the OmniGraph to collect readings from this sensor.

  1. Create the new action graph by navigating to Window > Graph Editors > Action Graph, and selecting New Action Graph in the new tab that opens.

  2. Now add the following nodes to the graph:

  • On Playback Tick: Executes the graph every simulation timestep.

  • Isaac Read Contact Sensor: Reads the contact sensor. In the Property tab, set Contact Sensor Prim to /World/Cube/Contact_Sensor to point to the location of the contact sensor prim.

  • To String: Converts the contact sensor readings to string format.

  • Print Text: Prints the string readings to console. In the Property tab, set Log Level to Warning so that messages are visible in the terminal/console by default.

Connect the above nodes as follows to print out the contact sensor reading:

Read Contact Sensor Action Graph set up

Now hit the Play button on the GUI. If set up correctly, the NVIDIA Isaac Sim internal Console should read out the contact sensor’s force output.

Read Contact Sensor Action Graph set up

Contact Sensor Visualization

The Contact sensor position and radius can be visualized using the Isaac xPrim Radius Visualizer Node, connect the xPrim input to the Contact Sensor Prim, connect Tick to Exec in. Then insert the correct radius and configure the desired color and line thickness visualization, and the Contact sensor will be visible on PLAY


The spherical region only determines the boundary for contacts that will be accounted for. All contacts still only happen at the surface of the object bounded by the sphererical region.

Contact Sensor Visualization Action Graph set up

Standalone Python#

Creating and Modifying the Contact Sensor#

For the example snippets below, first prepare the scene using the following snippet by adding a PhysicsScene, GroundPlane, and DynamicCuboid prim. The contact sensor will be attached to the latter.

 1from isaacsim import SimulationApp
 3simulation_app = SimulationApp({"headless": False})
 5import numpy as np
 6from isaacsim.core.api.objects import DynamicCuboid
 7from isaacsim.core.api.objects.ground_plane import GroundPlane
 8from isaacsim.core.api.physics_context import PhysicsContext
11GroundPlane(prim_path="/World/groundPlane", size=10, color=np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]))
13    position=np.array([-.5, -.2, 1.0]),
14    scale=np.array([.5, .5, .5]),
15    color=np.array([.2,.3,0.]))

Using Python Command#

Contact sensors can be created with Python using the IsaacSensorCreateContactSensor command, with available parameters to set specified below with default values. The only required parameter is the parent path.

 1import omni.kit.commands
 2from pxr import Gf
 4success, _isaac_sensor_prim = omni.kit.commands.execute(
 5    "IsaacSensorCreateContactSensor",
 6    path="Contact_Sensor",
 7    parent="/World/Cube",
 8    sensor_period=1,
 9    min_threshold=0.0001,
10    max_threshold=100000,
11    translation = Gf.Vec3d(0, 0, 0),

Using Python Wrapper#

The contact sensor can also be created using the isaacsim.sensors.physics.ContactSensor Python wrapper class. The benefit of using the wrapper class is that it comes with additional helper functions to set the contact sensor properties and retrieve sensor data.

 1from isaacsim.sensors.physics import ContactSensor
 2import numpy as np
 4sensor = ContactSensor(
 5    prim_path="/World/Cube/Contact_Sensor",
 6    name="Contact_Sensor",
 7    frequency=60,
 8    translation=np.array([0, 0, 0]),
 9    min_threshold=0,
10    max_threshold=10000000,
11    radius=-1


Translation and position cannot both be defined, frequency and dt also cannot both be defined.

Creating a contact sensor can only be done on a prim with a collider API, and it depends on a Contact Report API. Both the command and the wrapper class automatically add a Contact Report API to the parent prim. You can also manually add a Contact Report API to a prim via:

1import omni
2from pxr import PhysxSchema
4stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
5parent_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/World/Cube")
6contact_report = PhysxSchema.PhysxContactReportAPI.Apply(parent_prim)
7# Set a minimum threshold for the contact report to zero

To modify sensor parameters, you can use built-in class API calls such as set_frequency, set_dt, or USD attribute API calls.

Reading Sensor Output#

The contact sensors are created dynamically on Play. Moving the sensor prim while the simulation is running invalidates the sensor. If you need to make hierarchical changes to the contact sensor like changing its rigid body parent, stop the simulator, make the changes, and then restart the simulation.

There are also three methods for reading the sensor output, using get_sensor_reading() in the sensor interface (recommended), get_current_frame() in the contact sensor Python class, and the OmniGraph node Isaac Read Contact Sensor.

The following snippets assume you have created a /World/Cube prim and contact sensor prim using one of the two snippets above.

get_sensor_reading(sensor_path, use_latest_data = False)

The get sensor reading function takes in two parameters, the prim_path to any contact sensor prim and it uses the latest data flag (optional) for retrieving the data point from the current physics step if the sensor is running at a slower rate than physics rate. The function returns an CsSensorReading object, which contains is_valid, time, value, and in_contact.

Sample usage to get the reading from the current frame:

1from isaacsim.sensors.physics import _sensor
3_contact_sensor_interface = _sensor.acquire_contact_sensor_interface()
4_contact_sensor_interface.get_sensor_reading("/World/Cube/Contact_Sensor", use_latest_data = True)


The get_current_frame() function is a wrapper around get_sensor_reading(path_to_current_sensor) function and get_contact_sensor_raw_data, and it is also a member function of the ContactSensor class. This function returns a dictionary with in_contact, force, number_of_contacts, time, body0, body1, position, normal, impulse, contacts, and physics_step as keys for the IMU measurement. The get_current_frame() function uses the default parameters of get_sensor_reading, so it gives you the sensor measurement at reading time.

Sample usage:

 1from isaacsim.sensors.physics import ContactSensor
 2import numpy as np
 4sensor = ContactSensor(
 5    prim_path="/World/Cube/Contact_Sensor",
 6    name="Contact_Sensor",
 7    frequency=60,
 8    translation=np.array([0, 0, 0]),
 9    min_threshold=0,
10    max_threshold=10000000,
11    radius=-1
14value = sensor.get_current_frame()


The contact sensor raw data will output a list of raw contact API data CsRawData, which contains time, dt, body0, body1, position, normal, and impulse. The raw data disregards sensor thresholds. Contacts with the parent body below the force threshold appear here even though they are discarded in the processed sensor reading CsSensorReading.

1from isaacsim.sensors.physics import _sensor
3_contact_sensor_interface = _sensor.acquire_contact_sensor_interface()
4raw_data = _contact_sensor_interface.get_contact_sensor_raw_data("/World/Cube/Contact_Sensor")


This function is deprecated and will be replaced in a future release.

API Documentation#

See the API Documentation for complete usage information.