Writer Control#


Writers determines what data to output and its format. Isaacsim.Replicator.Agent (IRA) provides built-in writers as well as the ability for you to create your own custom writers.

All the IRA built-in writers are derived from IRABasicWriter, which is derived from the Replicator BasicWriter. As a result, all the annotators from the Replicator BasicWriter are supported with the following exceptions:

  • bounding_box_2d_tight, bounding_box_2d_lose, bounding_box_3d are overwritten by annotators with corresponding names starting with object_info_.

  • skeleton_data is overwritten by agent_info_skeleton_data.

  • S3 related parameters are disabled for now.

In addition, while data written is identical from Replicator, IRA built-in writers output each annotator data to separated folders for better readibility. The annotators overwritten by the IRABasic writer are organized into one file called object_detection.json.

Built-in Writers#



IRABasicWriter is the base writer for all IRA built-in writers and it is derived from the Replicator BasicWriter.


By default, all the following annotators are turned off. The output data is written to the object_detection.json file.

  • object_info_bounding_box_2d_tight: outputs objects bounding box 2d tight data. The output data is written to the object section.

  • object_info_bounding_box_2d_lose: outputs objects bounding box 2d loose data. The output data is written to the object section.

  • object_info_bounding_box_3d: outputs objects bounding box 3d data. The output data is written to the object section.

  • agent_info_skeleton_data: outputs agents skeleton data. The output data is written to agent section.

  • More sections in the UI display the parameters inherited from BasicWriter. rgb and camera_params are on by default while other annotators follow the Replicator’s default setting. Refer to Replicator Annotators Information for details.


object_info also includes the agent_info.



TaoWriter overwrites IRABasicWriter’s bounding box output by applying a configurable occlusion check.


  • bbox: outputs objects and agents bounding box 2d and 3d data based on the occlusion rule mentioned below. It overwrites object_info_bounding_box_2d_tight, object_info_bounding_box_2d_loose and object_info_bounding_box_3d from IRABasicWriter.

  • shoulder_height_ratio: the ratio of head-to-shoulder distance to overall height.

  • valid_width_unoccluded_threshold: the threshold for the ratio of visible character width to total width.

  • valid_height_unoccluded_threshold: the threshold for the ratio of visible character height to total height.

  • agent_info_skeleton_data: inherited from IRABasicWriter.


shoulder_height_ratio, valid_width_unoccluded_threshold, and valid_height_unoccluded_threshold will be used to calculate the occlusion by the rule below. Occluded bounding box data will not be written to the output.

Occlusion Rule#

To make sure characters are mostly visible, the following test is applied to select valid characters for data generation.

Two conditions are defined for whether a character must be labeled, visibility in height and visibility in width. See the images for more details.

  • Visibility Requirement in Height

    • If more than shoulder_height_ratio of the character’s upper body is visible then this condition is met.

    • If more than valid_height_unoccluded_threshold of the character’s body height is visible, then this condition is met.



    Only one of the above conditions is needed to satisfy the height requirement.

  • Visibility Requirement in Width

    • If more than valid_width_unoccluded_threshold of the character’s body width is visible, then this condition is met.



  • For occluded characters (characters that are blocked by an object within the camera frame), characters must satisfy both the visibility in height and width requirements.

  • For truncated characters (characters that are cut off by the camera frame), characters must satisfy visibility in height or the visibility in width requirement.

  • For characters that are both occluded and truncated, characters must satisfy the visibility in height or the visibility in width requirements.



StereoWriter writes the data for simulating stereo cameras to the camera_params.json, while applying the same occlusion check as the TaoWriter.


  • customized_camera_params: output additional camera parameter data compared to the standard camera_params annotator, such as the camera’s intrinsic data (fx_fy_cx_cy, focallength) and the stereo baseline (stereo_baseline).

  • customized_distance_to_image_plane: output the distance_to image_plane data in .pfm file format.

  • depth_format: specifies the data format for distance_to_image_plane as either .png or .npm if customized_distance_to_image_plane is not activated.

  • bbox, shoulder_height_ratio, valid_height_unoccluded_threshold, valid_width_unoccluded_threshold, and agent_info_skeleton_data are the same as the TaoWriter.


  1. Stereo cameras must be pairs with names like Camera_01 pairing with Camera_01_R, where Camera_01 is the left camera and Camera_01_R is the right camera.

  2. IRA does not spawn stereo cameras. To create stereo cameras, you can run the following script. DIST is the distance between the paired cameras, and CAMERA_PATH is the path to the camera that you want to make into a stereo camera. The script will treat the input camera as the left camera and generate the right camera for it.

DIST = 1
CAMERA_PATH = "/World/Cameras/Camera_01"
import omni.usd
import omni.kit.commands
from pxr import Gf, UsdGeom

camera_prim = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage().GetPrimAtPath(CAMERA_PATH)
new_translate = UsdGeom.Camera(camera_prim).GetCamera().transform.Transform(Gf.Vec3d(DIST,0,0))
omni.kit.commands.execute("CopyPrim", path_from=CAMERA_PATH, path_to=CAMERA_PATH+"_R")
stage.GetPrimAtPath(CAMERA_PATH + "_R").GetAttribute("xformOp:translate").Set(new_translate)

Custom Writers#

IRA supports using custom writers created by you, through the UI or config file directly.

  • To enable it from UI, select Custom from the dropdown of the Replicator Setting panel, enter the writer’s name and its input parameters in the text boxes.

  • To enable it from config file, put the writer’s name and parameters in the replicator section.

IRA obtains the writer using the writer’s name from the Replicator extension, so writers are expected to be registered in the Replicator beforehand. For writers mentioned above (provided by IRA), they are registered when IRA is loaded. Other custom writers must be registered by you.
Follow the Custom Writer documentation to create and register custom writers.