Hello Robot#

Learning Objectives#

This tutorial details how to add and move a mobile robot in NVIDIA Isaac Sim in an extension application. After this tutorial, you will understand how to add a robot to the simulation and apply actions to its wheels using Python.

10-15 Minute Tutorial

Getting Started#


Begin with the source code of the Awesome Example developed in the previous tutorial: Hello World.

Adding a Robot#

Begin by adding a NVIDIA Jetbot to the scene, which allows you to access the library of NVIDIA Isaac Sim robots, sensors, and environments located on a Omniverse Nucleus Server using Python, as well as navigate through it using the Content window.


The server shown in these steps has been connected to in Isaac Sim First Run. Follow these steps first before proceeding.

  1. Add the assets by simply dragging them to the stage window or the viewport.

  2. Try to do the same thing through Python in the Awesome Example.

  3. Create a new stage: File > new > Don’t Save

  4. Open the extension_examples/user_examples/hello_world.py file by clicking the Open Source Code button in the Awesome Example window.

     1from isaacsim.examples.interactive.base_sample import BaseSample
     2from isaacsim.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
     3from isaacsim.core.utils.stage import add_reference_to_stage
     4from isaacsim.core.api.robots import Robot
     5import carb
     8class HelloWorld(BaseSample):
     9    def __init__(self) -> None:
    10        super().__init__()
    11        return
    13    def setup_scene(self):
    14        world = self.get_world()
    15        world.scene.add_default_ground_plane()
    16        # you configure a new server with /Isaac folder in it
    17        assets_root_path = get_assets_root_path()
    18        if assets_root_path is None:
    19            # Use carb to log warnings, errors, and infos in your application (shown on terminal)
    20            carb.log_error("Could not find nucleus server with /Isaac folder")
    21        asset_path = assets_root_path + "/Isaac/Robots/Jetbot/jetbot.usd"
    22        # This will create a new XFormPrim and point it to the USD file as a reference
    23        # Similar to how pointers work in memory
    24        add_reference_to_stage(usd_path=asset_path, prim_path="/World/Fancy_Robot")
    25        # Wrap the jetbot prim root under a Robot class and add it to the Scene
    26        # to use high level api to set/ get attributes as well as initializing
    27        # physics handles needed..etc.
    28        # Note: this call doesn't create the Jetbot in the stage window, it was already
    29        # created with the add_reference_to_stage
    30        jetbot_robot = world.scene.add(Robot(prim_path="/World/Fancy_Robot", name="fancy_robot"))
    31        # Note: before a reset is called, we can't access information related to an Articulation
    32        # because physics handles are not initialized yet. setup_post_load is called after
    33        # the first reset so we can do so there
    34        print("Num of degrees of freedom before first reset: " + str(jetbot_robot.num_dof)) # prints None
    35        return
    37    async def setup_post_load(self):
    38        self._world = self.get_world()
    39        self._jetbot = self._world.scene.get_object("fancy_robot")
    40        # Print info about the jetbot after the first reset is called
    41        print("Num of degrees of freedom after first reset: " + str(self._jetbot.num_dof)) # prints 2
    42        print("Joint Positions after first reset: " + str(self._jetbot.get_joint_positions()))
    43        return

Press the PLAY button to start simulating the robot. Although it is being simulated, it is not moving. The next section walks through how to make the robot move.

Move the Robot#

In NVIDIA Isaac Sim, Robots are constructed of physically accurate articulated joints. Applying actions to these articulations make them move.

Next, apply random velocities to the Jetbot articulation controller to get it moving.

 1from isaacsim.examples.interactive.base_sample import BaseSample
 2from isaacsim.core.utils.types import ArticulationAction
 3from isaacsim.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
 4from isaacsim.core.utils.stage import add_reference_to_stage
 5from isaacsim.core.api.robots import Robot
 6import numpy as np
 7import carb
10class HelloWorld(BaseSample):
11    def __init__(self) -> None:
12        super().__init__()
13        return
15    def setup_scene(self):
16        world = self.get_world()
17        world.scene.add_default_ground_plane()
18        assets_root_path = get_assets_root_path()
19        if assets_root_path is None:
20            carb.log_error("Could not find nucleus server with /Isaac folder")
21        asset_path = assets_root_path + "/Isaac/Robots/Jetbot/jetbot.usd"
22        add_reference_to_stage(usd_path=asset_path, prim_path="/World/Fancy_Robot")
23        jetbot_robot = world.scene.add(Robot(prim_path="/World/Fancy_Robot", name="fancy_robot"))
24        return
26    async def setup_post_load(self):
27        self._world = self.get_world()
28        self._jetbot = self._world.scene.get_object("fancy_robot")
29        # This is an implicit PD controller of the jetbot/ articulation
30        # setting PD gains, applying actions, switching control modes..etc.
31        # can be done through this controller.
32        # Note: should be only called after the first reset happens to the world
33        self._jetbot_articulation_controller = self._jetbot.get_articulation_controller()
34        # Adding a physics callback to send the actions to apply actions with every
35        # physics step executed.
36        self._world.add_physics_callback("sending_actions", callback_fn=self.send_robot_actions)
37        return
39    def send_robot_actions(self, step_size):
40        # Every articulation controller has apply_action method
41        # which takes in ArticulationAction with joint_positions, joint_efforts and joint_velocities
42        # as optional args. It accepts numpy arrays of floats OR lists of floats and None
43        # None means that nothing is applied to this dof index in this step
44        # ALTERNATIVELY, same method is called from self._jetbot.apply_action(...)
45        self._jetbot_articulation_controller.apply_action(ArticulationAction(joint_positions=None,
46                                                                            joint_efforts=None,
47                                                                            joint_velocities=5 * np.random.rand(2,)))
48        return

Press the PLAY button to start simulating the robot.


Pressing STOP, then PLAY in this workflow might not reset the world properly. Use the RESET button instead.

Extra Practice#

This example applies random velocities to the Jetbot articulation controller. Try the following exercises:

  1. Make the Jetbot move backwards.

  2. Make the Jetbot turn right.

  3. Make the Jetbot stop after 5 seconds.

Using the WheeledRobot Class#

NVIDIA Isaac Sim also has robot-specific extensions that provide further customized functions and access to other controllers and tasks (more on this later). Now you’ll re-write the previous code using the WheeledRobot class to make it simpler.

 1from isaacsim.examples.interactive.base_sample import BaseSample
 2from isaacsim.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
 3from isaacsim.robot.wheeled_robots.robots import WheeledRobot
 4from isaacsim.core.utils.types import ArticulationAction
 5import numpy as np
 8class HelloWorld(BaseSample):
 9    def __init__(self) -> None:
10        super().__init__()
11        return
13    def setup_scene(self):
14        world = self.get_world()
15        world.scene.add_default_ground_plane()
16        assets_root_path = get_assets_root_path()
17        jetbot_asset_path = assets_root_path + "/Isaac/Robots/Jetbot/jetbot.usd"
18        self._jetbot = world.scene.add(
19            WheeledRobot(
20                prim_path="/World/Fancy_Robot",
21                name="fancy_robot",
22                wheel_dof_names=["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint"],
23                create_robot=True,
24                usd_path=jetbot_asset_path,
25            )
26        )
27        return
29    async def setup_post_load(self):
30        self._world = self.get_world()
31        self._jetbot = self._world.scene.get_object("fancy_robot")
32        self._world.add_physics_callback("sending_actions", callback_fn=self.send_robot_actions)
33        return
35    def send_robot_actions(self, step_size):
36        self._jetbot.apply_wheel_actions(ArticulationAction(joint_positions=None,
37                                                            joint_efforts=None,
38                                                            joint_velocities=5 * np.random.rand(2,)))
39        return


This tutorial covered the following topics:

  1. Adding NVIDIA Isaac Sim library components from a Nucleus Server

  2. Adding a Robot to the World

  3. Using a joint-level controller to articulate a Robot

  4. Using Robot classes

  5. Using Robot specific extensions

Next Steps#

Continue on to the next tutorial in the Essential Tutorials series, Adding a Controller, to learn how to add a controller to Jetbot.

Further Learning#

Nucleus Server

Robot Specific Extensions

  • NVIDIA Isaac Sim provides several robot extensions such as isaacsim.robot.manipulators.examples.franka, isaacsim.robot.manipulators.examples.universal_robots, and many more. To learn more, check out the standalone examples located at standalone_examples/api/isaacsim.robot.manipulators/franka and standalone_examples/api/isaacsim.robot.manipulators/universal_robots/.