URDF Importer Extension#



Starting from the Isaac Sim 2023.1.0 release, the URDF importer has been open-sourced. Source code and information for contributing can be found at our github repo.

The URDF Importer Extension is used to import URDF representations of robots. Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), is an XML format for representing a robot model in ROS.

To Import URDF files, go to the top menu bar and click File > Import.

This extension is enabled by default. If it is ever disabled, it can be re-enabled from the Extension Manager by searching for isaacsim.asset.importer.urdf.

Overview of URDF Importer Extension

Import results are logged in the Output Log, accessible from the bottom of the screen. The Output Log will display any errors or warnings that occur during the import process. For more detailed log information directly open Isaac Sim’s log file, change the console to Info mode, or start Isaac sim with the parameter --verbose to display results in the terminal output.



To comply with USD prim name conventions, special characters in link or joint names are not supported and will be replaced with an underscore. In the event that the name starts with an underscore due to the replacement, an a is pre-pended. It is recommended to make these name changes in the URDF directly.

See the Isaac Sim Conventions documentation for a complete list of NVIDIA Isaac Sim conventions.

Import Options#


Provides the Options to Import in Stage, or add as a referenced model. If Create in Stage is selected. Choose the options to Set as the default prim, and Clear Stage on Import. By default both are left unchecked.

Joints and Drives#

Provides an interface to configure individual joints, loaded with the default values.

Ignore Mimic#

If checked, the Mimic tag will be ignored on import. Otherwise joints with the mimic tag will receive the physx Mimic API, allowing it to work in tandem with the primary joint that is defined in its setup.

Joint Configuration#

Choose between configuring the joints directly through Stiffness or with Natural Frequency. Saved values will always be in Stiffness. - Stiffness: Edit the joint drive stiffness and damping directly.

  • Natural Frequency: Computes the Joint drive stiffness and Damping ratio based on the desired natural frequency using the formula:

\[K = m * f^2, D = 2 * r * f * m\]

where f is the natural frequency, r is the damping ratio, and total equivalent inertia at the joint. The damping ratio is such that r = 1.0 is a critically damped system, r < 1.0 is underdamped, and r > 1.0 is overdamped.

The Stiffness value is used to control the strength of the position drive. A combination of setting stiffness and damping on a drive will result in both targets being applied, this can be useful in position control to reduce vibrations.

  • Multi-Edit Edit: To Edit multiple joints at the same time, you can ctrl+click at their names, to select individual joints, or shift+click to select a range of joints. Once selected, the values will be applied to all selected joints.

Drive Type#

The drive type can be chosen between Acceleration and Force. Acceleration drives normalize the inertia before applying the effort, making it invariant to changes in robot mass (payload not included), equivalent to ideal damped actuator. In force drives, the effort is applied directly to the joint, equivalent to a spring-damper system.


Can be chosen between None, Position, and Velocity. If the drive type is set to position, the target will be the position in radians for revolute joints, or distance units for prismatic. For velocity drives, it’s the unit per second. When the joint is configured as Mimic you cannot change the Target Type.


  • Collision From Visuals: If checked, the collision objects will be created from the visual meshes when a collision object is not provided. Otherwise, no collision will be created for that link.

  • Collider Type: Select between Convex Hull or Convex Decomposition. Convex Hull will create a single convex hull around the collision mesh. Convex Decomposition will create multiple convex hulls around the collision mesh to better match the visual asset.

  • Allow self-collision: Enables self collision between adjacent links. It may cause instability if the collision meshes are intersecting at the joint.

  • Replace Cylinders with Capsules: When selected, cylinder colliders will be replaced with Capsule primitives.


It is recommended that you set Self Collision to false unless you are certain that links on the robot are not self colliding


You must have write access to the output directory used for import, it will default to the current open stage, change this as necessary.

Importing URDF from a ROS2 Node#

Enable the extension isaacsim.ros2.urdf to enable this feature. This will open a standalone URDF importer UI that allows to define a ROS2 Node containing a robot description.

To select the appropriate node, type in the name of the node in the Node text box. If changes were made to the import settings, or to the published node hit Refresh. If the node name is in


This feature is only available when the ROS2 bridge is enabled.

Interface when Importing from a ROS2 Node

For a detailed guide on how to use the ROS2 URDF Importer, see the Import from ROS2 Node Tutorial.

Robot Properties#

There might be many properties you want to tune on your robot. These properties can be spread across many different Schemas and APIs.

The general steps of getting and setting a parameter are:

  1. Find which API is the parameter under. Most common ones can be found in the Pixar USD API.

  2. Get the prim handle that the API is applied to. For example, Articulation and Drive APIs are applied to joints, and MassAPIs are applied to the rigid bodies.

  3. Get the handle to the API. From there on, you can Get or Set the attributes associated with that API.

For example, if we want to set the wheel’s drive velocity and the actuators’ stiffness, find the DriveAPI:

 1# get handle to the Drive API for both wheels
 2left_wheel_drive = UsdPhysics.DriveAPI.Get(stage.GetPrimAtPath("/carter/chassis_link/left_wheel"), "angular")
 3right_wheel_drive = UsdPhysics.DriveAPI.Get(stage.GetPrimAtPath("/carter/chassis_link/right_wheel"), "angular")
 5# Set the velocity drive target in degrees/second
 9# Set the drive damping, which controls the strength of the velocity drive
13# Set the drive stiffness, which controls the strength of the position drive
14# In this case because we want to do velocity control this should be set to zero

Alternatively you can use the Omniverse Commands Tool Extension to change a value in the UI and get the associated Omniverse command that changes the property.


  • The drive stiffness parameter should be set when using position control on a joint drive.

  • The drive damping parameter should be set when using velocity control on a joint drive.

  • A combination of setting stiffness and damping on a drive will result in both targets being applied, this can be useful in position control to reduce vibrations.

Custom Isaac Sim URDF Attributes and Tags#


This this attribute is used in the sensor tag to provide Isaac sim configuration for Sensors. There are two possible uses - preconfigured Lidars that are shipped with Isaac sim, or user-defined configurations. When it’s used with a user-defined configuration, the location of the configuration JSON must be provided, otherwise provide the configuration name for a pre-configured Lidar. A sample configuration file is provided in the tests provided with the URDF Importer in data/lidar_sensor_template.


When using a custom Lidar configuration, the importer will try to create a symlink to the configuration in the isaacsim.sensors.rtx` folder. If you get Error Code: 1314 on Windows try running Isaac Sim with Administrator Priviledges, or manually create the Symbolic Link post-import. Alternatively, add the Imported asset path into the lookup folders for isaacsim.sensors.rtx. If you get Error Code: 183 on Windows, the symbolic link already exists, double check and replace manually if necessary.


 2    <link name="root_link"/>
 3    <joint name="root_to_base" type="fixed">
 4        <parent link="root_link"/>
 5        <child link="link_1"/>
 6    </joint>
 7    <link name="link_1"/>
 9    <sensor name="custom_lidar" type="ray" update_rate="30" isaac_sim_config="../lidar_sensor_template/lidar_template.json">
10        <parent link="link_1"/>
11        <origin xyz="0.5 0.5 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
12    </sensor>
14    <sensor name="preconfigured_lidar" type="ray" update_rate="30" isaac_sim_config="Velodyne_VLS128">
15        <parent link="link_1"/>
16        <origin xyz="0.5 1.5 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
17    </sensor>


Defines a joint to close kinematic chain loops. This is useful for robots with closed kinematic chains, such as a quadruped robot with a loop joint at the hip. The loop joint is defined in the URDF as follows:

1<loop_joint name="loop_joint_name" type="spherical">
2    <link1 link="link_1" rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
3    <link1 link="link_2" rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>


Fixed frames are used to define a reference point attached to a link. This is useful to define reference points (for example, sensor placements or end-effector offset) without using the link tag. The fixed frame is defined in the URDF as follows:

1<fixed_frame name="frame_0">
2    <parent link="link_1"/>
3    <origin rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" xyz="1.00 -0.020 0.10"/>

Fixed frames must have an exclusive name and parent link pair.

Asset Structure#

The Isaac Sim Imported assets are organized in a specific structure to make it easier to manage, reuse, and simulate them. Each asset is broken down into multiple components, which can be categorized as follows:

Asset Structure Diagram

For an example of an asset following these guidelines check Nova carter at Robots/NVIDIA/Carter/nova_carter/ in Isaac Sim assets.

Asset Source#

Assets in this stage represent their raw form as imported from their original file format. They are typically organized into:

  1. Base Asset ( asset_base.usd ): Contains the full structural hierarchy of the asset, such as robot assemblies.

  2. Parts ( parts.usd ): Includes individual components, with one USD file per mesh. This modular breakdown ensures easy access and management.

  3. Materials ( materials.usd ): A collection of Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials used by the asset.


  • The source assets should remain unchanged to ensure that they can be re-imported seamlessly without losing downstream modifications.

  • Consistency is critical: the structural hierarchy, naming conventions, and part assemblies must remain intact.


This stage prepares the asset for simulation by reorganizing and optimizing it. This transformation is necessary when the source asset contains nested rigid bodies or a complex structure that doesn’t meet the requirements of simulation. The structure must be flattened with rigid bodies organized into a simple list, and meshes should be simplified to minimize their total count. The transformation process includes:

  1. Reorganizing Structure: - Create the simulation structure (e.g., separating visuals and colliders as needed). - Adjust the hierarchy to fit simulation requirements.

  2. Optimizing Meshes: - Merge meshes that will function as a single rigid body. - Simplify the material count into a single visual material list. - Clean and format meshes as instanceable references to enhance performance.


If the asset source is already in a format suitable for simulation, this step or parts of it can be skipped.


Simulation features are added in this stage, and each feature is defined as a separate lightweight layer that builds on top of the transformed asset. These features include, but are not limited to, physics setups, sensor configurations, and control graphs.

Workflow for Adding/Modifying Features:#

  1. Create a new empty stage or open the existing feature stage.

  2. Add the optimized asset (asset_sim_optimized.usd) as a sub-layer.

  3. Modify the root layer to add/modify the feature.

  4. Remove or disable the sub-layer (optimized asset) from the stage composition before saving.

  5. Add the feature to the final asset as a payload. Optionally, a Variant set can be configured to enable quick switching between different feature sets by selecting them on a list.

Example Features:#

  • Physics ( asset_physics.usd ): Adds rigid bodies, colliders, joints, and articulations.

  • Sensors ( asset_sensors.usd ): Defines sensor specifications.

  • Control Graphs ( asset_control.usd ): Adds control features for simulations.

  • ROS Integration ( asset_ros.usd ): Configures ROS Omnigraph functionalities.


The Physics feature is an exception and is added as a reference to the default prim, while other features are added as payloads. and it maintains the layer connection to the optimized asset.

Composition of Final Asset#

The final composed asset is represented in the asset.usd file, which integrates all the necessary components for simulation. This is achieved through the following composition process:

  1. Sublayers: - The base or optimized asset (asset_sim_optimized.usd) is included as a sublayer to provide the core structural and visual elements.

  2. Payloads: - Features such as sensors (asset_sensors.usd) and control graphs (asset_control.usd) are dynamically added as payloads. This allows for flexible and efficient loading of components.

  3. References: - The physics setup (asset_physics.usd) is added as a reference to the default prim, ensuring a consistent simulation-ready configuration.

  4. Variants: - Variants can be configured in the asset.usd file to enable different feature sets, such as alternative sensor configurations or control setups, without duplicating the asset.

This modular approach ensures that the final asset file is both lightweight and highly flexible, making it easy to adapt to different simulation scenarios.

To keep assets organized and maintainable, it is recommended to follow the structure and guidelines outlined above. This will help streamline the asset creation process and improve overall simulation performance.

It is also suggested to keep the assets organized in folders, with the source assets in their own folder, and all features in a features folder, while the final asset is saved in the root folder. By default Isaac Sim importers for robots follow this structure.

Key Definitions and Notes#

  • Add-ons: - Features that have the simulation asset as a temporary sublayer used during feature creation - We call this the Add-on. The sublayer connection is broken before saving the feature asset.

  • Payloads: Dynamically loadable components that reduce memory overhead and improve modularity.


For Usage examples, see the Tutorial: Import URDF .