Tutorial: Import URDF#

Learning Objectives#

This tutorial shows how to import a URDF and convert it to a USD in NVIDIA Isaac Sim. After this tutorial, you can use URDF files in your pipeline while using NVIDIA Isaac Sim.

10-15 Minutes Tutorial

Getting Started#


Let’s begin by importing a Franka Panda URDF from the Built in URDF files that come with the extension.

  1. Enable the isaacsim.asset.importer.urdf extension in NVIDIA Isaac Sim if it is not automatically loaded by going to Window-> Extensions and enable isaacsim.asset.importer.urdf.

    • In this example, we will import the panda_arm_hand.urdf that is included in the URDF importer extension. The easiest way to find it is:
      • Click on the file icon beside AUTOLOAD to find the isaacsim.asset.importer.urdf extension

      • Navigate to /data/urdf/robots/franka_description/robots and find panda_arm_hand.urdf, and copy this path

    Enable extension and find Franka URDF
  2. Accesses the URDF extension by going to the File > Import, and select an URDF file you wish to import. In this case, paste the path above to the navigation bar and left-click on panda_arm_hand.urdf

    Select Franka URDF
  3. Specify the settings you want to use to import Franka with:

    • Set USD Ouptut to your desired output location for the USD

    • Select Static Base and leave Default Density empty

    • Refer to urdf importer Robot Properties for Joints and Drive instructions. In this tutorial, we can use the default values.

    • Select Allow Self-Collision for the Colliders section and leave everything else as default


    You must have write access to the output directory used for import, it will default to the same directory as your URDF

  4. Click the Import button to add the robot to the stage.

    Imported Franka

#. Visualize the collision meshes, not all the rigid bodies need to have collision properties, and collision meshes are often a simplified mesh compared to the visual ones. Therefore you may want to visualize the collision mesh for inspection. To visualize collision in any viewport:

  • Select: the eye icon in the upper left corner of the viewport.

  • Select: Show by type.

  • Select: Physics.

  • Select: Colliders.

  • Check: All.



If you are importing a mobile robot, you may need to change the following settings:

  • Select Moveable Base

  • Set the joint drive type to Velocity drive for the velocity controlled joints (i.e. wheels), and Position for the position controlled joints (i.e. steering joint)

  • Set the Joint Drive Strength to the desired level. Note that this will be imported as the joint’s damping parameter. Joint stiffness are always set to zero in velocity drive mode.


If you are importing a torque controlled mobile robot such as a quadruped:

  • Select Moveable Base

  • Set the joint drive type to None drive for the torque controlled joints (i.e. legs), and Position or Velocity for the position or velocity controlled joints

  • Set the Joint Drive Strength to the desired level. For the torque controlled drives, Stiffness and damping have no effect and will be imported as zero.

First activate Windows > Examples > Robotics Examples which will open the Robotics Examples tab at the bottom dock.


For these examples, wait for materials to get loaded. You can track progress on the bottom right corner of the UI.

There are Four examples available in the Import Robots section:

  • Nova Carter URDF

  • Franka URDF

  • Kaya URDF

  • UR10 URDF

Each one of them contains an individual import configuration and post import setup in code, but overall the usage would be similar:

  1. Go to the Robotics Examples tab and navigate to Import Robots > <Robot> URDF.

  2. Press the Load Robot button to import the URDF into the stage, add a ground plane, add a light, and a physics scene.

  3. Press the Configure Drives button to configure the joint drives. This sets each drive stiffness and damping value.

  4. Press the Open Source Code button to view the source code. The source code illustrates how to import and integrate the robot using the Python API.

  5. Press the PLAY button to begin simulating.

  6. Press the Move to Pose button to make the robot move to a home/rest position.

Franka URDF Sample

Let’s do the exact same things as we done through the Import window but with Python scripting instead. We will then use the imported robot with one of the tasks defined under isaacsim.robot.manipulators.examples.franka extension to follow a target in the stage.

  1. Let’s begin by opening the Hello World example.
    • Go to the top Menu Bar and Click Window > Examples > Robotics Examples.

    • In the Robotics Examples tab at the bottom, select General > Hello World

  2. The window for the Hello World example extension should now be visible in the workspace.

  3. Click the Open Source Code button to launch the source code for editing in Visual Studio Code.

  4. Edit the hello_world.py file as shown below.

  1from isaacsim.examples.interactive.base_sample import BaseSample
  2from isaacsim.core.utils.extensions import get_extension_path_from_name
  3from isaacsim.asset.importer.urdf import _urdf
  4from isaacsim.robot.manipulators.examples.franka.controllers.rmpflow_controller import RMPFlowController
  5from isaacsim.robot.manipulators.examples.franka.tasks import FollowTarget
  6import omni.kit.commands
  7import omni.usd
  9class HelloWorld(BaseSample):
 10    def __init__(self) -> None:
 11        super().__init__()
 12        return
 14    def setup_scene(self):
 15        # Get the world object to set up the simulation environment
 16        world = self.get_world()
 18        # Add a default ground plane to the scene for the robot to interact with
 19        world.scene.add_default_ground_plane()
 21        # Acquire the URDF extension interface for parsing and importing URDF files
 22        urdf_interface = _urdf.acquire_urdf_interface()
 24        # Configure the settings for importing the URDF file
 25        import_config = _urdf.ImportConfig()
 26        import_config.convex_decomp = False  # Disable convex decomposition for simplicity
 27        import_config.fix_base = True       # Fix the base of the robot to the ground
 28        import_config.make_default_prim = True  # Make the robot the default prim in the scene
 29        import_config.self_collision = False  # Disable self-collision for performance
 30        import_config.distance_scale = 1     # Set distance scale for the robot
 31        import_config.density = 0.0          # Set density to 0 (use default values)
 33        # Retrieve the path of the URDF file from the extension
 34        extension_path = get_extension_path_from_name("isaacsim.asset.importer.urdf")
 35        root_path = extension_path + "/data/urdf/robots/franka_description/robots"
 36        file_name = "panda_arm_hand.urdf"
 38        # Parse the robot's URDF file to generate a robot model
 39        result, robot_model = omni.kit.commands.execute(
 40            "URDFParseFile",
 41            urdf_path="{}/{}".format(root_path, file_name),
 42            import_config=import_config
 43        )
 45        # Update the joint drive parameters for better stiffness and damping
 46        for joint in robot_model.joints:
 47            robot_model.joints[joint].drive.strength = 1047.19751  # High stiffness value
 48            robot_model.joints[joint].drive.damping = 52.35988    # Moderate damping value
 50        # Import the robot onto the current stage and retrieve its prim path
 51        result, prim_path = omni.kit.commands.execute(
 52            "URDFImportRobot",
 53            urdf_robot=robot_model,
 54            import_config=import_config,
 55        )
 57        # Optionally, import the robot onto a new stage and reference it in the current stage
 58        # (Useful for assets with textures to ensure textures load correctly)
 59        # dest_path = "/path/to/dest.usd"
 60        # result, prim_path = omni.kit.commands.execute(
 61        #     "URDFParseAndImportFile",
 62        #     urdf_path="{}/{}".format(root_path, file_name),
 63        #     import_config=import_config,
 64        #     dest_path=dest_path
 65        # )
 66        # prim_path = omni.usd.get_stage_next_free_path(
 67        #     self.world.scene.stage, str(current_stage.GetDefaultPrim().GetPath()) + prim_path, False
 68        # )
 69        # robot_prim = self.world.scene.stage.OverridePrim(prim_path)
 70        # robot_prim.GetReferences().AddReference(dest_path)
 72        # Initialize a predefined task for the robot (e.g., following a target)
 73        my_task = FollowTarget(
 74            name="follow_target_task",
 75            franka_prim_path=prim_path,  # Path to the robot's prim in the scene
 76            franka_robot_name="fancy_franka",  # Name for the robot instance
 77            target_name="target"  # Name of the target object the robot should follow
 78        )
 80        # Add the task to the simulation world
 81        world.add_task(my_task)
 82        return
 84    async def setup_post_load(self):
 85        # Set up post-load configurations, such as controllers
 86        self._world = self.get_world()
 87        self._franka = self._world.scene.get_object("fancy_franka")
 89        # Initialize the RMPFlow controller for the robot
 90        self._controller = RMPFlowController(
 91            name="target_follower_controller",
 92            robot_articulation=self._franka
 93        )
 95        # Add a physics callback for simulation steps
 96        self._world.add_physics_callback("sim_step", callback_fn=self.physics_step)
 97        await self._world.play_async()
 98        return
100    async def setup_post_reset(self):
101        # Reset the controller to its initial state
102        self._controller.reset()
103        await self._world.play_async()
104        return
106    def physics_step(self, step_size):
107        # Perform a simulation step and compute actions for the robot
108        world = self.get_world()
109        observations = world.get_observations()
111        # Compute actions for the robot to follow the target's position and orientation
112        actions = self._controller.forward(
113            target_end_effector_position=observations["target"]["position"],
114            target_end_effector_orientation=observations["target"]["orientation"]
115        )
117        # Apply the computed actions to the robot
118        self._franka.apply_action(actions)
119        return
  1. Press Ctrl+S to save the code and hot-reload NVIDIA Isaac Sim.

  2. Click the File > New From Stage Template > Empty to create a new stage. Click Don’t Save if the simulator is prompting you to save the stage.

  3. Open the menu again and load the example.

  4. Click the LOAD button and move the target prim around to see the robot follow it.


Importing a URDF through a ROS2 node is a powerful way to integrate NVIDIA Isaac Sim with your existing ROS2 workflow. This allows you to import a URDF from a ROS2 node and use it in NVIDIA Isaac Sim, also indirectly enabling importing XACRO definitions without explicit conversion to URDF.


This tutorial is only supported on Linux.



  • Terminal 1
    • Source ROS 2

    • Launch a transform publisher for the robot description node (e.g. ros2 launch ur_description view_ur.launch.py ur_type:=ur10e)

  • Terminal 2
    • Source ROS 2

    • Pick the ROS 2 node name for the node just created with ros2 node list. (for example, robot_state_publisher)

  • Terminal 3
    • Source ROS 2

    • Start Isaac Sim

    • Enable the extension isaacsim.ros2.urdf

    • Open the URDF Importer using the File > Import from ROS2 URDF Node menu

    • Put the node name in the text box

    • Define an output directory

    • Import

Extra steps to try:

  • Terminal 1
    • Stop the publisher, change it to another robot and start service again (for example, ros2 launch ur_description view_ur.launch.py ur_type:=ur3)

  • Terminal 3
    • Click the Refresh button

    • Change the output directory

    • Import

The robot is now imported into the stage. You can now use it in your simulation. You can perform additional changes to the asset once it’s imported, such as adding sensors, changing materials, and updating the joint drives and configuration to achieve a more stable simulation. Robots are mapped as Articulations in the simulation, and for a complete guide in tuning articulations, refer to Articulation Stability Guide


This tutorial covered the following topics:

  1. Importing URDF file using GUI

  2. Importing URDF file using Python

  3. Importing URDF file using a ROS Node

  4. Using the imported URDF in a Task

  5. Visualizing collision meshes

  6. Setting up importing a robot with the UI through the built-in examples

Further Learning#

Checkout URDF Importer Extension to learn more about the different configuration settings to import a URDF in NVIDIA Isaac Sim.