RTX Radar Sensor#
RTX Radar sensors are simulated at render time on the GPU with RTX hardware.
Their results are then copied to the RtxSensorCpu
rendering buffer for use.
How They Work#
Before an RTX Radar can render, there must be a camera prim with appropriately-set attributes.
The render product from that camera will contain the RtxSensorCpu
The following code snippet, when run in the Script Editor, will:
Create a RTX Radar sensor in the scene with the
command.Render its results into a Hydra texture
Create a point cloud from the results using the
writerCreate a
annotator that can read the data from the radar.
import omni.kit.commands
from pxr import Gf
import omni.replicator.core as rep
radar_config = "Example"
# 1. Create The Camera
_, sensor = omni.kit.commands.execute(
translation=(0, 0, 1.0),
# 2. Create and Attach a render product to the camera
render_product = rep.create.render_product(sensor.GetPath(), [1, 1]).path
# 4. Create a Replicator Writer that "writes" points into the scene for debug viewing
writer = rep.writers.get("RtxRadarDebugDrawPointCloud")
To observe something similar to the example picture above, run the RTX Radar standalone example using ./python.sh standalone_examples/api/omni.debug.draw/rtx_radar.py
Creating and attaching the annotator and writer automatically generates an Action Graph to perform the debug view task; details about the Action Graph can be explored using the links below:
Radar Config Files#
Currently, only the omni.sensors
model is supported in Isaac Sim, and is described here.
Sensor Materials#
The material system for RTX Radar allows content creators to assign sensor material types to partial material prim names on a USD stage. Radar return behavior depends on material properties (eg. emissivity, reflectivity, etc.), as described below.
Standalone Examples#
For examples of creating RTX Radar see the examples:
./python.sh standalone_examples/api/isaacsim.util.debug_draw/rtx_radar.py
See the Isaac Sim Conventions documentation for a complete list of NVIDIA Isaac Sim conventions.