Motion Generation#

Lula is a high-performance motion generation library for robotic manipulation. RMPflow provides real-time, reactive local policies to guide a robot manipulator to a task space target while avoiding dynamic obstacles. A suite of Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithms, including RRT-Connect and JT-RRT, deliver global planning solutions in static environments. Additionally, the trajectory generation tools in Lula provide time-optimal trajectories for paths described as a series of c-space and task-space moves. Finally, Lula provides interfaces to the performant forward and inverse kinematic solvers underpinning the higher-level motion generation tools.

NVIDIA Isaac Sim also interfaces with cuRobo, a high-performance, GPU-accelerated robotics motion generation library that adds additional features to NVIDIA Isaac Sim such as batched collision-free inverse kinematics, collision-free motion planning, and reactive control in the presence of obstacles represented as meshes or nvblox maps. For more information, see the cuRobo tutorial.


Interactive Examples

To locate the interactive examples, go to Windows > Examples > Robotics Examples and open the Robotics Examples tab if it’s not already. Select one the following example from the browser, read the “Information” tab on the right hand side of the browser window for instructions on how to run it.

  • Follow Target Example: Manipulation > Follow Target

  • RoboFactory Example: Multi-Robot > RoboFactory

  • RoboParty Example: Multi-Robot > RoboParty


Pressing STOP, then PLAY in this workflow might not reset the world properly. Use the RESET button instead.

Standalone Examples

To run a standalone example, navigate to your <isaac_sim_root_dir>, then use ./ for Linux or python.bat for Windows to run the example scripts listed here.

  • Follow Target with RMPflow: standalone_examples/api/isaacsim.robot.manipulators/franka/

  • Follow Target with IK: standalone_examples/api/isaacsim.robot.manipulators/franka/