ROS 2 Publish Real Time Factor (RTF)#
Learning Objectives#
This tutorial will demonstrate publishing the Real Time Factor (RTF) of Isaac Sim as a ROS2 Float 32 message.
Getting Started#
Make sure to source your ROS 2 installation from the terminal before running Isaac Sim. If sourcing ROS 2 is a part of your bashrc
then Isaac Sim can be run directly.
Enable the
Extension in the Extension Manager window by navigating to Window > Extensions.
Publish RTF#
The RTF indicates how fast or slow simulation is running with respect to the real-time. It is calculated per frame as RTF = simulated_elapsed_time / real_elapsed_time
. If RTF > 1, simulation time is running faster than wall clock time. If RTF < 1, the simulation is running slower than real-time.
Go to Tools > Robotics > ROS 2 OmniGraphs > Generic Publisher. The parameter pop-up window will appear.
Select Publish RTF as Float32 and click OK.
A new Action Graph will be created with the Isaac Real Time Factor node connected to a generic ROS2 Publisher node, which is setup to publish
ROS messages.Select the Action Graph prim found at /Graph/ROS_GenericPub. Right click on it and choose Open Graph. The autogenerated graph should be match the following:
Click Play to start simulation.
In a ROS2-sourced terminal run the following command to view the RTF value published from Isaac Sim.
ros2 topic echo /topic
For an unloaded system, RTF should be close to 1.0.
This tutorial covered using an OmniGraph shortcut to automatically generate a ROS2 RTF publisher graph.
Next Steps#
Continue on to the next tutorial in our ROS2 Tutorials series, ROS2 Cameras, to learn how to add cameras and receive ground truth synthetic perception data through ROS 2 topics.