RTX Radar Synthetic Data#

There is one example Annotator to use for Synthetic data collection from the RTX Radar. The annotator name, the node it creates, and the annotator outputs are all described below. To control the node, you can set the parameters on it using the annotator’s initialize function.

For example, if you had the render product path for a RTX Radar, then you could create a debug visualization of that radar, and make sure it outputs the timestamp for each radar return in the buffer with the following code.

# Create the annotator.
annotator = rep.AnnotatorRegistry.get_annotator("RtxSensorCpuIsaacComputeRTXRadarPointCloud")

# Initialize the annotator

# Attach the render product after the annotator is initialized.

To read about the nodes the annotators create and the inputs that control the RTX Radar Nodes, click on the node link at the top of each table.


The following annotators create an RTX Radar Omnigraph Node, and pull data from it for your use.


Compute RTX Radar Point Cloud Node


info[“transform”]: The input matrix transformed from Radar to World. info[“sensorID”]: Sensor Id for sensor that generated the scan. info[“scanIdx”]: Scan index for sensors with multi scan support. info[“timeStampNS”]: Scan timestamp in nanoseconds. info[“cycleCnt”]: Scan cycle count. info[“maxRangeM”]: The max unambiguous range for the scan. info[“minVelMps”]: The min unambiguous velocity for the scan. info[“maxVelMps”]: The max unambiguous velocity for the scan. info[“minAzRad”]: The min unambiguous azimuth for the scan. info[“maxAzRad”]: The max unambiguous azimuth for the scan. info[“minElRad”]: The min unambiguous elevation for the scan. info[“maxElRad”]: The max unambiguous elevation for the scan. info[“numDetections”]: The number of valid detections in the array. info[“dataPtr”]: Buffer of 3d points containing point cloud data in Radar coordinates. info[“cudaDeviceIndex”]: Index of the device where the data lives (-1 for host data). info[“bufferSize”]: Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture). info[“height”]: Height of point cloud buffer, will always return 1. info[“width”]: 3 x Width or number of points in point cloud buffer.

Output for each return:

info[“radialDistance”]: Radial distance (m). info[“radialVelocity”]: Radial velocity (m/s). info[“azimuth”]: Azimuth angle (degrees). info[“elevation”]: Angle of elevation (degrees). info[“rcs”]: Radar cross section in decibels referenced to a square meter (dBsm). info[“semanticId”]: semantic ID. info[“materialId”]: material ID. info[“objectId”]: object ID.