Prop Assets#


Listed below are a few characters available in Isaac-Sim, located in the Isaac Sim Asset Browser.

Police Man#

Male character in police uniform with retargeted skeleton.

Police Man

Search male_adult_police_04.usd in the asset browser.#

Male Doctor#

Male character in doctor uniform with retargeted skeleton.

Male Doctor

Search mmale_adult_medical_01.usd in the asset browser.#

Police Woman#

Female character in police uniform with retargeted skeleton.

Police Woman

Search female_adult_police_02.usd in the asset browser.#

Construction Worker#

Male character in construction uniform with retargeted skeleton.

Construction Worker

Search male_adult_construction_03.usd in the asset browser.#


User can change a character’s clothing color by modifying material’s Property -> Material and Shader value

Here is an example of how to change male_adult_construction_03’s safety hat’s color

  • First, expand the character on the stage menu and navigate to their Looks folder. Example - /World/male_adult_construction_03/Looks.

  • Next, select your target material (Example - opaque__plastic__hardhat) and change material’s Property -> Material and Shader -> Albedo -> Color Tint value to adjust character’s color.

select male_adult_construction_03's hat's material
change hat color
change whole body color

Miscellaneous Assets#

These assets can all be found in asset browser.


The Cartpole agent depicts a cart with a free-spinning pole on a frictionless track. It is based on the OpenAI Gym Cartpole problem.


Search cartpole.usd in the asset browser.#


The Humanoid asset depicts a humanoid agent with joints connecting appendages for emulating human movement. It is based on an asset from the DeepMind dm_control suite.

  • humanoid.usd - Base Version.

  • humanoid_instanceable.usd - Base version set up to create multiple efficient clones for RL scenarios.


The NVIDIA Simple example provides a starting point to experiment with Isaac Robotics.

Simple Articulation

Search simple_articulation.usd in the asset browser.#

Vehicle Example#

The basic vehicle example provides a framework for creating mobile platforms.

Basic Vehicle

Search basic_vehicle_m.usd in the asset browser.#

April Tags#

We provide a simple mdl material that can index into a April Tag mosaic image.

To use, add the material to your stage using Create->April Tag->

Then create a mesh cube using Create->Mesh->Cube and assign the AprilTag material to that prim

The material has the following parameters which need to be configured:

  • Mosaic texture The path to the texture that contains the grid of April tag images

  • Tag Size The width/height of the tag in pixels

  • Tags Per Row The number of tag images per row in the mosaic

  • Spacing The number of padding pixels between each tag image

  • Tag ID The index of the tag to use.

The figure below shows example usage using tag36h11.png, after manually creating the mesh cube and assigning the material as described above.

April Tag Example Usage