Prop Assets#
Listed below are a few characters available in Isaac-Sim, located in the Isaac Sim Asset Browser.
Police Man#
Male character in police uniform with retargeted skeleton.
Male Doctor#
Male character in doctor uniform with retargeted skeleton.
Police Woman#
Female character in police uniform with retargeted skeleton.
Construction Worker#
Male character in construction uniform with retargeted skeleton.
User can change a character’s clothing color by modifying material’s Property -> Material and Shader
Here is an example of how to change male_adult_construction_03’s safety hat’s color
First, expand the character on the stage menu and navigate to their
folder. Example -/World/male_adult_construction_03/Looks
.Next, select your target material (Example -
) and change material’sProperty -> Material and Shader -> Albedo -> Color Tint
value to adjust character’s color.
Miscellaneous Assets#
These assets can all be found in asset browser.
The Cartpole agent depicts a cart with a free-spinning pole on a frictionless track. It is based on the OpenAI Gym Cartpole problem.
The Humanoid asset depicts a humanoid agent with joints connecting appendages for emulating human movement. It is based on an asset from the DeepMind dm_control suite.
- Base Version.humanoid_instanceable.usd
- Base version set up to create multiple efficient clones for RL scenarios.
The NVIDIA Simple example provides a starting point to experiment with Isaac Robotics.
Vehicle Example#
The basic vehicle example provides a framework for creating mobile platforms.