USD to URDF Exporter#
The USD to URDF exporter is a tool to convert a USD stage or file to a URDF file. A user just needs to open a stage with the desired USD they want to export, and provide the path to directory where the new URDF file will be saved, or the path to the new URDF file directly. Alternatively, a user can explicitly provide the path the the USD file to export.
To enable this extension, open the Extension Manager window by navigating to Window > Extensions, and enable isaacsim.asset.exporter.urdf
Mesh files are saved by default to a meshes directory, which is placed in the same directory as the new URDF file. Additional options are available that allow customization of some parts of the conversion.
USD Path#
The operating system path to the USD file that you want to export. Defaults to using the current stage.
Output File/Directory#
Either the file path for the new URDF file.
The file path conventionally ends with the extension .urdf
Or a directory path where new URDF file will be saved. The new URDF file will have the same name as the USD.
Mesh Directory Path#
The directory where the meshes will be saved for the URDF (defaults to the same directory as the as where the URDF file is saved).
Mesh Path Prefix#
A prefix to apply to each mesh filename.
For example, to set the mesh file paths to valid URI with the file scheme, set the mesh path prefix to file://
Use ROS Mesh Path Prefix#
An option, to automatically set the mesh path prefix to file://<full path to the mesh directory>. This prefix allows the generated URDF to be open with ROS tools (e.g. RViz).
Root Prim Path#
The root prim within the USD stage of the kinematic tree to be exported to URDF. The default is the default prim of the the USD file.
Visualize Collisions#
If set, the collision meshes are included as visual meshes in the resulting URDF.