ROS 2 Python Custom OmniGraph Node#

Learning Objectives#

This is an optional, advanced tutorial where you will learn how to

  • Use ROS 2 rclpy Python interface with Isaac Sim

  • Create a simple custom OmniGraph Python node (using the Isaac Sim VS Code Edition) which can subscribe to a topic (with message type std_msgs/msg/Int32) and output the Fibonacci computation of the published number.

Getting Started#


Make sure to source your ROS 2 installation from the terminal before running Isaac Sim. If sourcing ROS 2 is a part of your bashrc then Isaac Sim can be run directly.


  • Completed ROS and ROS 2 Installation: installed ROS2, enabled the ROS2 extension, built the provided Isaac Sim ROS 2 workspace, and set up the necessary environment variables.

  • Completed the tutorial for writing custom Python nodes: Custom Python Nodes

Creating the ROS 2 Custom OmniGraph Python Node Template#

  1. Go to Template > Extension in the Isaac Sim VS Code Edition (VS Code extension) to open a wizard to create a new Isaac Sim extension.

    Take action on the following fields:

    • Ext. name: Set to custom.python.ros2_node

    • Ext. path: Define the target path where the extension will be created.

    • Ext. title: Set to ROS 2 Python Custom OmniGraph Node

    • Ready-to-use extension: Check it to create a ready-to-use extension in Python.

    • Omnigraph node: Check it to generate OmniGraph-specific files/folders when creating the extension.

    Extension template wizard
  2. Edit the extension configuration file (custom.python.ros2_node/config/extension.toml) to add the Isaac Sim’s ROS 2 Bridge extension as dependencies (under [dependencies])

    "isaacsim.ros2.bridge" = {}
  3. Edit the OmniGraph definition file (OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePy.ogn located in the custom.python.ros2_node/custom/python/ros2_node/ogn/python/nodes folder) with the following specification.

    This specification defines an OmniGraph node with two inputs (the input execution trigger, and the topic name to subscribe to (a string)) and two outputs (the output execution trigger, and the computed Fibonacci number (an integer)).


    Visit the OGN Reference Guide for a detailed guide to the syntax of .ogn files. Visit OmniGraph’s Attribute Data Types for more details about the supported attribute data types for inputs and outputs.

        "CustomPythonRos2NodePy": {
            "version": 1,
            "language": "python",
            "icon": "icons/icon.svg",
            "uiName": "Custom Python ROS 2 Node",
            "description": [
                "This node subscribes to a ROS 2 topic (with message type 'std_msgs/msg/Int32') and computes and outputs the Fibonacci number"
            "categoryDefinitions": "config/CategoryDefinition.json",
            "categories": ["extension:Category"],
            "inputs": {
                "execIn": {
                    "type": "execution",
                    "description": "Input execution trigger"
                "topic": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "uiName": "Subscription topic",
                    "description": "Topic to subscribe to",
                    "default": "/number"
            "outputs": {
                "execOut": {
                    "type": "execution",
                    "description": "Output execution trigger"
                "fibonacci": {
                    "type": "uint64",
                    "uiName": "Fibonacci",
                    "description": "Computed Fibonacci number"
  4. Edit the OmniGraph Python source code file ( located in the custom.python.ros2_node/custom/python/ros2_node/ogn/python/nodes folder) with the following content.

    The code is self-commented enough. Basically, the OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePyInternalState class handles the communication with ROS. It creates the ROS 2 node, the subscription and handles the received messages. On the other hand, the OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePy class implements the custom OmniGraph node. It computes and sets the outputs according to the input values and the internal state.

    import rclpy
    import std_msgs.msg
    import omni.graph.core
    from isaacsim.core.nodes import BaseResetNode
    from custom.python.ros2_node.ogn.OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePyDatabase import OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePyDatabase
    class OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePyInternalState(BaseResetNode):
        """Convenience class for maintaining per-node state information.
        It inherits from ``BaseResetNode`` to do custom reset operation when the timeline is stopped."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Instantiate the per-node state information"""
            self._data = None
            self._ros2_node = None
            self._subscription = None
            # call parent class to set up timeline event for custom reset
        def data(self):
            """Get received data, and clean it after reading"""
            tmp = self._data
            self._data = None
            return tmp
        def _callback(self, msg):
            """Function that is called when a message is received by the subscription."""
            self._data =
        def initialize(self, node_name, topic_name):
            """Intitialize ROS 2 node and subscription."""
            # create ROS 2 node
            if not self._ros2_node:
                self._ros2_node = rclpy.create_node(node_name=node_name)
            # create ROS 2 subscription
            if not self._subscription:
                self._subscription = self._ros2_node.create_subscription(
                    msg_type=std_msgs.msg.Int32, topic=topic_name, callback=self._callback, qos_profile=10
            self.initialized = True
        def spin_once(self, timeout_sec=0.01):
            """Do ROS 2 work to take an incoming message from the topic, if any."""
            rclpy.spin_once(self._ros2_node, timeout_sec=timeout_sec)
        def custom_reset(self):
            """On timeline stop, destroy ROS 2 subscription and node."""
            if self._ros2_node:
            self._data = None
            self._ros2_node = None
            self._subscription = None
            self.initialized = False
    class OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePy:
        """The OmniGraph node class"""
        def fibonacci(n):
            """Compute the Fibonacci sequence value for the given number iteratively"""
            if n <= 0:
                return 0
            elif n == 1:
                return 1
            a, b = 0, 1
            for _ in range(2, n + 1):
                a, b = b, a + b
            return b
        def internal_state():
            """Get per-node state information."""
            return OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePyInternalState()
        def compute(db) -> bool:
            """Compute the output based on inputs and internal state."""
            state = db.per_instance_state
                # check if state (ROS 2 node and subscriber is initialized)
                if not state.initialized:
                    state.initialize(node_name="custom_python_ros2_node", topic_name=db.inputs.topic)
                # spin state to take incoming messages
                # cache incomming data
                number =
                if number is not None:
                    # compute the Fibonacci sequence value for the given number
                    value = OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePy.fibonacci(number)
                    # check for uint64 overflow
                    if value > 2**64:
                        db.log_warn(f"Fibonacci number {number} exceeds uint64's storage capacity")
                        return False
                    # output value and trigger output execution
                    db.outputs.fibonacci = value
                    db.outputs.execOut = omni.graph.core.ExecutionAttributeState.ENABLED
            except Exception as e:
                db.log_error(f"Computation error: {e}")
                return False
            return True
        def release(node):
            """Release per-node state information."""
                state = OgnCustomPythonRos2NodePyDatabase.per_instance_internal_state(node)
            except Exception as e:
            # reset state
            state.initialized = False

Running the Custom OmniGraph Node#


The custom extension must first be activated for the OmniGraph node to be available.

Open the extension manager using the Window > Extensions menu and search for the custom.python.ros2_node extension to enable it.

  1. In a new stage, go to Window > Graph Editors > Action Graph to create an Action Graph and add, connect and configure the following OmniGraph nodes into the Action Graph:

    • On Playback Tick node to execute other graph nodes every simulation frame.

    • Custom Python ROS 2 Node custom node.

    • To String node to convert the output of our custom node to a string.

    • Print Text node to display the output of our custom node (as string) to the viewport or terminal. Edit this node’s properties, in the Property panel, and check the To Screen attribute to display the text in the viewport.

    OmniGraph nodes
  2. Play the simulation

  3. In a new ROS 2-sourced terminal, run the next command to publish a number to the /number topic.

    ros2 topic pub -1 /number std_msgs/msg/Int32 "{data: 10}"
  4. Once messages are being received from the topic, the Fibonacci number will appear in the top-left corner of the viewport. If no new values are received, the display will fade over time.


    To view the values in the Isaac Sim console, you can edit the Print Text node properties and uncheck the To Screen attribute and set the Log Level attribute to Warning.

    Results display
  5. Publish different number using previous ROS 2 topic command and notice the change in Isaac Sim.


This tutorial covered the following topics:

  1. Creating a custom OmniGraph Python node in an extension.

  2. Using rclpy interface to create a ROS 2 node within a custom OmniGraph node to subscribe to a topic, perform the Fibonacci computation and trigger downstream nodes when the computed OmniGraph output is ready.

Next Steps#

Continue on to the next tutorial in our ROS2 Tutorials series, ROS 2 Custom C++ OmniGraph Node.