
Fully qualified name: isaacsim::ros2::bridge::Ros2Service

class Ros2Service#

Base class for ROS 2 service servers.

Public Functions

virtual bool takeRequest(void *requestMsg) = 0#

Do service work to take an incoming request message from the topic, if any.


requestMsg – Pointer to store the message content, if a request message has been received and taken.


True if there is a request message and it has been taken without error, false otherwise.

virtual bool sendResponse(void *responseMsg) = 0#

Send a response message to the topic.


responseMsg – Message pointer.


True if the response message was sent without error, false otherwise.

virtual bool isValid() = 0#

Check whether the object holds a valid ROS 2 service server instance.


Whether the object holds a valid ROS 2 service server instance.