[isaacsim.code_editor.vscode] VS Code integration#

Version: 1.0.5

VS Code version of Omniverse’s script editor

Enable Extension#

The extension can be enabled (if not already) in one of the following ways:

Define the next entry as an application argument from a terminal.

APP_SCRIPT.(sh|bat) --enable isaacsim.code_editor.vscode

Define the next entry under [dependencies] in an experience (.kit) file or an extension configuration (extension.toml) file.

"isaacsim.code_editor.vscode" = {}

Open the Window > Extensions menu in a running application instance and search for isaacsim.code_editor.vscode. Then, toggle the enable control button if it is not already active.


Extension Settings#

The table list the extension-specific settings.

Setting name



Default value


IP address where the extension server will listen for connections.




Port number where the extension server will listen for connections.




Whether to publish incoming carb logging messages.



The extension-specific settings can be either specified (set) or retrieved (get) in one of the following ways:

Define the key and value of the setting as an application argument from a terminal.

APP_SCRIPT.(sh|bat) --/exts/isaacsim.code_editor.vscode/SETTING_NAME=SETTING_VALUE

Define the key and value of the setting under [settings] in an experience (.kit) file or an extension configuration (extension.toml) file.

exts."isaacsim.code_editor.vscode".SETTING_NAME = SETTING_VALUE

Define the key and value of the setting using the carb framework (in Python).

import carb

settings = carb.settings.get_settings()
settings.set("/exts/isaacsim.code_editor.vscode/SETTING_NAME", SETTING_VALUE)

Define the key to query the value of the setting using the carb framework (in Python).

import carb

settings = carb.settings.get_settings()
value = settings.get("/exts/isaacsim.code_editor.vscode/SETTING_NAME")