ROS1 Camera Helper#
This node handles automation of the camera sensor pipeline
To use this node enable isaacsim.ros1.bridge in the Extension Manager.
Name |
Type |
Descripton |
Default |
Enable Semantic Labels (inputs:enableSemanticLabels) |
Enable publishing of semantic labels, applies only to instance_segmentation, semantic_segmentation, bbox_2d_tight, bbox_2d_loose, bbox_3d |
False |
Enabled (inputs:enabled) |
True to enable the camera helper, False to disable |
True |
Exec In (inputs:execIn) |
Triggering this causes the sensor pipeline to be generated |
None |
Frame Id (inputs:frameId) |
FrameId for ROS1 message, the nodeNamespace will be prefixed to the frame id |
sim_camera |
Frame Skip Count (inputs:frameSkipCount) |
Specifies the number of simulation frames to skip between each message publish. (e.g. Set to 0 to publish each frame. Set 1 to publish every other frame) |
0 |
Node Namespace (inputs:nodeNamespace) |
Namespace of ROS1 Node, prepends any published/subscribed topic by the node namespace |
Queue Size (inputs:queueSize) |
The number of messages to queue up before throwing some away, in case messages are collected faster than they can be sent |
10 |
Render Product Path (inputs:renderProductPath) |
Path of the render product used for capturing data |
Reset Simulation Time On Stop (inputs:resetSimulationTimeOnStop) |
If True the simulation time will reset when stop is pressed, False means time increases monotonically. This setting is ignored if useSystemTime is enabled. |
False |
Semantic Labels Topic Name (inputs:semanticLabelsTopicName) |
Topic name used for publishing semantic labels, applies only to instance_segmentation, semantic_segmentation, bbox_2d_tight, bbox_2d_loose, bbox_3d |
semantic_labels |
Stereo Offset (inputs:stereoOffset) |
Stereo offset is the baseline between cameras in x and y component of the image plane in meters. (Tx, Ty is calculated using x and y component of StereoOffset value. i.e., Tx=fx*stereoOffset.X, Ty=fy*stereoOffset.Y). Used when publishing to the camera info topic |
[0, 0] |
Topic Name (inputs:topicName) |
Topic name for sensor data |
rgb |
Type (inputs:type) |
type |
rgb |
Metadata |
allowedTokens = rgb,depth,depth_pcl,instance_segmentation,semantic_segmentation,bbox_2d_tight,bbox_2d_loose,bbox_3d,camera_info |
Use System Time (inputs:useSystemTime) |
If True, system timestamp will be included in messages. If False, simulation timestamp will be included in messages |
False |
Viewport (inputs:viewport) |
DEPRECATED, use renderProductPath. Name of the desired viewport to publish |
Name |
Value |
Unique ID |
isaacsim.ros1.bridge.ROS1CameraHelper |
Version |
2 |
Extension |
isaacsim.ros1.bridge |
Icon |
ogn/icons/isaacsim.ros1.bridge.ROS1CameraHelper.svg |
Has State? |
False |
Implementation Language |
Python |
Default Memory Type |
cpu |
Generated Code Exclusions |
None |
uiName |
ROS1 Camera Helper |
Categories |
isaacRos |
Generated Class Name |
OgnROS1CameraHelperDatabase |
Python Module |
isaacsim.ros1.bridge |