[isaacsim.ros1.bridge] ROS Bridge#


Deprecation: Extension deprecated since Isaac Sim 4.0.0

Version: 2.2.6

The ROS Bridge extension enables communication between the Isaac Sim and ROS 1 systems. It allows for the publishing and subscribing of ROS topics and services via OmniGraph nodes and Action graphs. ROS publishers, subscribers and services are only active when play is pressed. A lightweight set of ROS libraries included with Isaac Sim are automatically loaded when enabling this extension.

Enable Extension#

The extension can be enabled (if not already) in one of the following ways:

Define the next entry as an application argument from a terminal.

APP_SCRIPT.(sh|bat) --enable isaacsim.ros1.bridge

Define the next entry under [dependencies] in an experience (.kit) file or an extension configuration (extension.toml) file.

"isaacsim.ros1.bridge" = {}

Open the Window > Extensions menu in a running application instance and search for isaacsim.ros1.bridge. Then, toggle the enable control button if it is not already active.

Omnigraph Nodes#

The extension exposes the following Omnigraph nodes:


Extension Settings#

The table list the extension-specific settings.

Setting name



Default value


Name of the ROS node created by the extension.



The extension-specific settings can be either specified (set) or retrieved (get) in one of the following ways:

Define the key and value of the setting as an application argument from a terminal.

APP_SCRIPT.(sh|bat) --/exts/isaacsim.ros1.bridge/SETTING_NAME=SETTING_VALUE

Define the key and value of the setting under [settings] in an experience (.kit) file or an extension configuration (extension.toml) file.

exts."isaacsim.ros1.bridge".SETTING_NAME = SETTING_VALUE

Define the key and value of the setting using the carb framework (in Python).

import carb

settings = carb.settings.get_settings()
settings.set("/exts/isaacsim.ros1.bridge/SETTING_NAME", SETTING_VALUE)

Define the key to query the value of the setting using the carb framework (in Python).

import carb

settings = carb.settings.get_settings()
value = settings.get("/exts/isaacsim.ros1.bridge/SETTING_NAME")