Benchmark Services []

Async Benchmarks

class BaseIsaacBenchmarkAsync(methodName='runTest')
async fully_load_stage(usd_path)

Await this function to open a stage and then wait for it to fully load


usd_path (str) – Path to USD stage.

async setUp(backend_type: str = 'JSONFileMetrics')

Must be awaited by derived benchmarks to properly set up the benchmark

set_phase(phase: str, start_recording_frametime: bool = True, start_recording_runtime: bool = True) None

Sets benchmarking phase. Turns on frametime and runtime collection.

  • phase (str) – Name of phase, used in output.

  • start_recording_frametime (bool) – False to not start recording frametime at start of phase. Default True.

  • start_recording_runtime (bool) – False to not start recording runtime at start of phase. Default True.

async store_custom_measurement(phase_name: str, custom_measurement: <module '' from '/builds/omniverse/isaac/omni_isaac_sim/_build/linux-x86_64/debug/exts/'>) None

Stores the custom measurement specificed in the benchmark.

  • phase (str) – The phase name to which the measurement belongs.

  • measurement (Measurement) – The measurement object to store.

async store_measurements(stop_recording_time: bool = True) None

Stores measurements, metadata, and artifacts collected by all recorders during the previous phase. Optionally, ends frametime and runtime collection.


stop_recording_time (bool) – False to not stop recording runtime and frametime at end of phase. Default True.

async tearDown()

Must be awaited by derived benchmarks to properly tear down the benchmark

Standalone Python Benchmarks

class BaseIsaacBenchmark(benchmark_name: str = 'BaseIsaacBenchmark', backend_type: str = 'OsmoKPIFile', workflow_metadata: dict = {})

Front-end for benchmarking standalone scripts and other non-async snippets.

By default this class will collect hardware performance data (see recorders), broken up by “phase”. Typical structure looks like:

benchmark = BaseIsaacBenchmark(benchmark_name=..., workflow_metadata=...)
# load stage, configure sim, etc.
# Actual code being benchmarked (running the sim for N frames, cloning an object, etc.)
benchmark.stop() # Shuts down benchmark, writes metrics to file

You can set any number of phases.

fully_load_stage(usd_path: str) None

Loads provided USD stage, blocking execution until it is fully loaded.


usd_path (str) – Path to USD stage.

set_phase(phase: str, start_recording_frametime: bool = True, start_recording_runtime: bool = True) None

Sets benchmarking phase. Turns on frametime and runtime collection.

  • phase (str) – Name of phase, used in output.

  • start_recording_frametime (bool) – False to not start recording frametime at start of phase. Default True.

  • start_recording_runtime (bool) – False to not start recording runtime at start of phase. Default True.


Stop benchmarking and write accumulated metrics to file.

store_custom_measurement(phase_name: str, custom_measurement: <module '' from '/builds/omniverse/isaac/omni_isaac_sim/_build/linux-x86_64/debug/exts/'>) None

Stores the custom measurement specificed in the benchmark.

  • phase (str) – The phase name to which the measurement belongs.

  • measurement (Measurement) – The measurement object to store.

store_measurements(stop_recording_time: bool = True) None

Stores measurements, metadata, and artifacts collected by all recorders during the previous phase. Optionally, ends frametime and runtime collection.


stop_recording_time (bool) – False to not stop recording runtime and frametime at end of phase. Default True.