Replicator Composer Manual
Replicator Composer is deprecated. Please view the documentation for Replicator YAML.
Replicator Composer is a tool for creating parameterizable offline datasets in Isaac Sim.
This page explains how to write the input parameter file.
The Replicator Composer Parameter List provides the list of input parameters.
The Replicator Composer Tutorial explains how to run Replicator Composer.
Distributions - Documentation for Distribution types. Parameters set to distributions enable random datasets.
Profiles - How to incorporate re-usable parameter sets.
Groups - How to add objects and lights to a scene using a parameter group.
Asset Lists - How to create an Asset List file.
Paths - Various rules for resolving paths in Replicator Composer.
Units - Units of parameters.
Optimizing Dataset - How to speed up dataset generation and reduce dataset size.
Each parameter has one value type: number, string, bool, or tuple.
A parameter can be set to one of the following:
A deterministic value: a primitive like
, or(255, 0, 0)
A stochastic value: a Distribution
A stochastic value is defined as a Distribution which, when sampled, outputs a primitive value. Distributions are sampled during runtime.
Note, all parameter values are written in Python syntax.
Note, all distributions are using omni.replicator.core distributions, please see the docs there.
Uniform Distribution
Uniform(min_val: float, max_val: float)
Returns a float between min_val
and max_val
obj_scale: Uniform(0.5, 1.5)
obj_color: Uniform((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1))
Normal Distribution
Normal(mean: float, var: float)
Returns Gaussian (centered at mean
with standard deviation std
obj_color: Normal((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
obj_vel: Normal((0, 0, 0), (100, 100, 100))
camera_coord: Normal((0, 0, 0), (500, 500, 500))
Range Distribution
Note, Range Distribution is using omni.replicator.core.distributions.uniform. But for backward compatibility, we support the Range syntax.
Range(min_val: int, max_val: int)
Returns an integer between min_val
and max_val
obj_count: Range(0, 10)
Choice Distribution
Choice(choices: List[Any], p(optional): List[float], with_replacements(optional): bool=True)
, where weights
will be normalized.with_replacements==True
, allow re-sampling the same element. If with_replacements==False
, each element can only be sampled once.Example(s)
obj_color: Choice([(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)])
obj_model: Choice(["assets/models/shapes.txt"])
obj_model: Choice(["assets/models/warehouse.txt", "assets/models/hospital.txt", "/Isaac/Props/Forklift/forklift.usd"])
Walk Distribution
Walk(input_list: List[Any], ordered=True: bool)
Walk(file: str, ordered=True: bool)
Identical to a Choice, except elements are sampled w/o replacement until the input_list
is empty. Once
empty, the list is re-populated.
: elements in the list are sampled by walking from start to end.If
: elements in the list are sampled randomly with removal.
obj_color: Walk("assets/colors/macbeth_chart.txt")
camera_coord: Walk("assets/coords/camera_trajectory.txt")
key provides a list of parameter files that each supply a parameter set.The first (top) parameter file will override the parameters of the second parameter file, and so on.
The profile file
is automatically set as the lowest parameter set (which provides all default parameter values). Note,parameters/profiles/default.yaml
is not suggested to be changed.The input parameter file is automatically set as the highest parameter set.
Note, profiles defined within a profile parameter file will be ignored.
Profiles can define groups to create inheritable groups (see Group Inheritance).
The following input.yaml
contains three profiles:
- parameters/profiles/hawk_camera.yaml # provides camera parameters tuned to the Hawk camera
- parameters/profiles/obj_classes.yaml # provides useful inheritable object parameter groups
- parameters/profiles/mtrepte_default.yaml # default parameter set tuned to mtrepte's preferences
Which creates the following parameter set stack:
1. input.yaml
2. hawk_camera.yaml
3. obj_classes.yaml
4. mtrepte_default.yaml
5. default.yaml
A group is a set of object and/or light parameters (parameters prefixed with obj_* or light_*). A group is nested with a unique group name. Group names cannot be prefixed with obj_ or light_.
For instance, the 4 groups defined in the following input.yaml
# flying cube
obj_model: /Isaac/Props/Shapes/cube.usd
obj_count: 1
# dropped warehouse objects
obj_model: Choice(["assets/models/warehouse.txt"])
obj_count: Range(0, 20)
obj_physics: True
# colorful flying lights
light_color: Uniform((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1))
light_count: Range(0, 5)
# warm ceiling lights
light_temp: 3000
light_temp_enabled: True
light_count: 4
light_coord_camera_relative: False
Group Inheritance
For instance, the following profile.yaml
obj_model: /Isaac/Props/Shapes/cube.usd
obj_count: 0 # prevents objects of this group from spawning
obj_rot: Uniform((0, 0, 0), (360, 360, 360))
obj_size: Uniform(100, 200)
obj_reflectance: Uniform(0, 1)
obj_metallicness: Uniform(0, 1)
and input.yaml
obj_model: Choice(["assets/models/shapes.txt"])
obj_count: Range(0, 10)
inherit: random_objects
obj_model: Choice(["assets/models/warehouse.txt"])
obj_count: 5
obj_physics: True
inherit: random_objects
- parameters/profiles/profile.yaml
Creates this object group polymorphism:
Asset Lists
Parameters set to Choice distributions can point to TXT files called Asset Lists, where each line provides an element in the element list of a Choice.
These lists can contain colors, object model paths, object textures paths, camera coordinates, etc.
For instance, the following input.yaml
obj_model: Choice(["assets/models/shapes.txt"])
obj_color: Choice(["assets/colors/macbeth_chart.txt", (1, 0, 0)])
obj_count: Range(0, 20)
with models/shapes.txt
with colors/macbeth_chart.txt
(0.06, 0.55, 0.87)
(0.48, 0.8, 0.87)
(0.6, 0.33, 0.62)
(0.54, 0.51, 0.84)
(0.68, 0.56, 0.42)
There are four ways paths in the input parameterization and command line arguments are resolved.
Nucleus Server Paths
nucleus_server + path
.For instance, for the following input.yaml
obj_model: /Isaac/Props/Forklifts/forklift.usd
obj_texture: Choice(["assets/textures/photos.txt"])
obj_count: 1
nucleus_server: localhost
With this textures/photos.txt
The paths resolve as follows
Note, if nucleus fails to find the asset on nucleus server, it will treat the path as an absolute path and tries to find the asset locally.
Mounted Paths
Else if the path is prefixed by *
, the path is resolved as <mount> + <path>
. The
is provided from the command line argument --mount
For instance, for the following input.yaml
obj_model: Choice(["*/assets/models/forklifts.txt"])
obj_count: Range(0, 5)
With the cmd
$ ./ tools/composer/src/ \
--input */parameters/forklift_in_warehouse.yaml \
--mount /home/mtrepte/replicator-workspace
Then paths resolve as follows
Absolute Paths
Else if the path is prefixed by /
, the path is resolved as path
(absolute path).
For instance, for the following input.yaml
obj_model: Choice("/home/mtrepte/replicator-workspace/assets/models/forklifts.txt")
obj_count: Range(0, 5)
The paths resolve as follows
Relative Paths
Else the path is relative to the Replicator Composer folder in the Isaac Sim source.
The path is resolved as <package_path>/tools/composer + <path>
For instance, for this input.yaml
obj_model: Choice("assets/models/office.txt")
obj_texture: Choice("assets/textures/synthetic.txt)
obj_count: Range(0, 5)
Then the paths resolve as follows
The units of parameters that refer to physical lengths are in scene units (determined by scene_meters_per_unit, which defaults to 1, which means 1 meter contains 1 scene unit), except for focal_length [mm] and horiz/vert}_aperture [mm].
Depth maps are in scene_meters_per_unit.
All rotation is in degrees.
Optimizing Dataset
Ways to speed-up generation and reduce storage footprint.
Speed up Generation
Loading many objects and textures slows generation. Reducing obj_count and material / texture complexity can help.
Also, setting obj_physics to True
slows generation and reducing physics_simulate_time can help.
Reduce Dataset Size
Setting groundtruth_stereo to False
and / or groundtruth_visuals to False
can help.
Also, disable any output types that are not needed.