Wheeled Robots [omni.isaac.wheeled_robots]

The omni.isaac.wheeled_robots extension provides controllers, utilities, and omnigraph nodes for simulating wheeled robots in isaac sim.

Basic Usage

The classes and controllers provided by omni.isaac.wheeled_robots are designed to be run within the world simulation context provided by omni.isaac.core. Like many other classes provided by core, wheeled_robots are created by wrapping prims already present on the stage in an interface class. This API is expected by world to do things like initialize and reset data structures, apply drive commands, retrieve joint states, etc…

Creating this interface means specifying the articulation being managed, the name that world will know this object by, and the names of the drivable joints

1# Assuming a stage context containing a Jetbot at /World/Jetbot
2from omni.isaac.wheeled_robots.robots import WheeledRobot
3jetbot_prim_path = "/World/Jetbot"
5#wrap the articulation in the interface class
6jetbot = WheeledRobot(prim_path=jetbot_prim_path,
7                      name="Joan",
8                      wheel_dof_names=["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint"]
9                     )

Commanding the robot should be done prior to the physics step using an ArticulationAction, a type provided by omni.isaac.core to facilitate things like mixed command modes (effort, velocity, and position) and complex robots with multiple types of actions that could be taken.

1from omni.isaac.core.utils.types import ArticulationAction
3action = ArticulationAction(joint_velocities = np.array([1.14, 1.42]))

It is rarely the case however, that a user will want to command a robot by directly manipulating the joints, and so we also provide a suite of controllers to convert various types of general commands into specific joint actions. For example, you may want to control your differential base using throttle and steering commands…

1from omni.isaac.wheeled_robots.controllers import DifferentialController
3throttle = 1.0
4steering = 0.5
5controller = DifferentialController(name="simple_control", wheel_radius=0.035, wheel_base=0.1)
6jetbot.apply_wheel_actions(controller.forward(throttle, steering))


Differential Controller

class DifferentialController(name: str, wheel_radius: float, wheel_base: float, max_linear_speed: float = 1e+20, max_angular_speed: float = 1e+20, max_wheel_speed: float = 1e+20)

This controller uses a unicycle model of a differential drive. The Controller consumes a command in the form of a linear and angular velocity, and then computes the circular arc that satisfies this command given the distance between the wheels. This can then be used to compute the necessary angular velocities of the joints that will propell the midpoint between the wheels along the curve. The conversion is

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\omega_R = \frac{1}{2r}(2V + \omega b)\\\omega_L = \frac{1}{2r}(2V - \omega b)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where \(\omega\) is the desired angular velocity, \(V\) is the desired linear velocity, \(r\) is the radius of the wheels, and \(b\) is the distance between them.

  • name (str) – [description]

  • wheel_radius (float) – Radius of left and right wheels in cms

  • wheel_base (float) – Distance between left and right wheels in cms

  • max_linear_speed (float) – OPTIONAL: limits the maximum linear speed that will be produced by the controller. Defaults to 1E20.

  • max_angular_speed (float) – OPTIONAL: limits the maximum angular speed that will be produced by the controller. Defaults to 1E20.

  • max_wheel_speed (float) – OPTIONAL: limits the maximum wheel speed that will be produced by the controller. Defaults to 1E20.

forward(command: numpy.ndarray) omni.isaac.core.utils.types.ArticulationAction

convert from desired [signed linear speed, signed angular speed] to [Left Drive, Right Drive] joint targets.


command (np.ndarray) – desired vehicle [forward, rotation] speed


the articulation action to be applied to the robot.

Return type


reset() None

Resets state of the controller.

Holonomic Controller

class HolonomicController(name: str, wheel_radius: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, wheel_positions: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, wheel_orientations: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, mecanum_angles: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, wheel_axis: float = array([1, 0, 0]), up_axis: float = array([0, 0, 1]), max_linear_speed: float = 1e+20, max_angular_speed: float = 1e+20, max_wheel_speed: float = 1e+20, linear_gain: float = 1.0, angular_gain: float = 1.0)

This controller computes the joint drive commands required to produce the commanded forward, lateral, and yaw speeds of the robot. The problem is framed as a quadratic program to minimize the residual “net force” acting on the center of mass.


The wheel joints of the robot prim must have additional attributes to definine the roller angles and radii of the mecanum wheels.

stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
joint_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/path/to/wheel_joint")

The HolonomicRobotUsdSetup class automates this process.

  • name (str) – [description]

  • wheel_radius (np.ndarray) – radius of the wheels, array of 1 can be used if all wheels are the same size

  • wheel_positions (np.ndarray) – position of the wheels relative to center of mass of the vehicle. number of wheels x [x,y,z]

  • wheel_orientations (np.ndarray) – orientation of the wheels in quaternions relative to center of mass frame of the vehicle. number of wheels x [quaternions]

  • mecanum_angles (np.ndarray) – mecanum wheel angles. Array of 1 can be used if all wheels have the same angle.

  • wheel_axis (np.ndarray) – the spinning axis of the wheels. Defaults to [1,0,0]

  • up_axis (np.ndarray) – Defaults to z- axis

  • max_linear_speed (float) – maximum “forward” speed (default: 1.0e20)

  • max_angular_speed (float) – maximum “turning” speed (default: 1.0e20)

  • max_wheel_speed (float) – maximum “twisting” speed (default: 1.0e20)

  • linear_gain (float) – Multiplicative factor. How much the solver should “care” about the linear components of the solution. (default: 1.0)

  • linear_gain – Multiplicative factor. How much the solver should “care” about the angular components of the solution. (default: 1.0)

forward(command: numpy.ndarray) omni.isaac.core.utils.types.ArticulationAction

Calculate wheel speeds given the desired signed vehicle speeds.


command (np.ndarray) – [forward speed, lateral speed, yaw speed].



Return type


reset() None


Wheel Base Pose Controller

class WheelBasePoseController(name: str, open_loop_wheel_controller: omni.isaac.core.controllers.base_controller.BaseController, is_holonomic: bool = False)

This controller closes the control loop, returning the wheel commands that will drive the robot to a desired pose. It does this by exploiting an open loop controller for the robot passed at class initialization.


The logic for this controller is the following:

  • calculate the difference between the current position and the target position, amd compare against the postion tolerance. If the result is inside the tolerance, stop forward motion (ie. stop if closer than position tolerance)

  • calculate the difference between the current heading and the target heading, and compare against the heading tolerance. If the result is outside the tolerance, stop forward motion and turn to align with the target heading (ie. dont bother turning unless it’s by more than the heading tolerance)

  • otherwise proceed forward

  • name (str) – [description]

  • open_loop_wheel_controller (BaseController) – A controller that takes in a command of [longitudinal velocity, steering angle] and returns the ArticulationAction to be applied to the wheels if non holonomic. and [longitudinal velocity, latitude velocity, steering angle] if holonomic.

  • is_holonomic (bool, optional) – [description]. Defaults to False.

forward(start_position: numpy.ndarray, start_orientation: numpy.ndarray, goal_position: numpy.ndarray, lateral_velocity: float = 0.2, yaw_velocity: float = 0.5, heading_tol: float = 0.05, position_tol: float = 0.04) omni.isaac.core.utils.types.ArticulationAction

Use the specified open loop controller to compute speed commands to the wheel joints of the robot that will move it towards the specified goal position

  • start_position (np.ndarray) – The current position of the robot, (X, Y, Z)

  • start_orientation (np.ndarray) – The current orientation quaternion of the robot, (W, X, Y, Z)

  • goal_position (np.ndarray) – The desired target position, (X, Y, Z)

  • lateral_velocity (float, optional) – How fast the robot will move forward. Defaults to 20.0.

  • yaw_velocity (float, optional) – How fast the robot will turn. Defaults to 0.5.

  • heading_tol (float, optional) – The heading tolerance. Defaults to 0.05.

  • position_tol (float, optional) – The position tolerance. Defaults to 4.0.



Return type


reset() None



Wheeled Robot

class WheeledRobot(prim_path: str, name: str = 'wheeled_robot', robot_path: Optional[str] = None, wheel_dof_names: Optional[str] = None, wheel_dof_indices: Optional[int] = None, usd_path: Optional[str] = None, create_robot: Optional[bool] = False, position: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, orientation: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None)

This class wraps and manages the articualtion for a two wheeled differential robot base. It is designed to be managed by the World simulation context and provides and API for applying actions, retrieving dof parameters, etc…

Creating a wheeled robot can be done in a number of different ways, depending on the use case.

  • Most commonly, the robot and stage are preloaded, in which case only the prim path to the articualtion root and the joint labels are required. Joint labels can take the form of either the joint names or the joint indices in the articulation.

jetbot = WheeledRobot(prim_path="/path/to/jetbot",
                    wheel_dof_names=["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint"]

armbot = WheeledRobot(prim_path="path/to/armbot"
                        wheel_dof_indices=[7, 8]
  • Alternatively, this class can create and populate a new reference on the stage. This is done with the create_robot parameter set to True.

carter = WheeledRobot(prim_path="/desired/path/to/carter",
                        name = "Jimmy",
                        wheel_dof_names=["joint_wheel_left", "joint_wheel_right"],
                        create_robot = True,
                        usd_path = "/Isaac/Robots/Carter/nova_carter.usd",
                        position = np.array([0,1,0])


In all cases, either wheel_dof_names or wheel_dof_indices must be specified!

  • prim_path (str) – The stage path to the root prim of the articulation.

  • name ([str]) – The name used by World to identify the robot. Defaults to “wheeled_robot”

  • robot_path (optional[str]) – relative path from prim path to the robot.

  • wheel_dof_names (semi-optional[str]) – names of the wheel joints. Either this or the wheel_dof_indicies must be specified.

  • wheel_dof_indices – (semi-optional[int]): indices of the wheel joints in the articulation. Either this or the wheel_dof_names must be specified.

  • usd_path (optional[str]) – nucleus path to the robot asset. Used if create_robot is True

  • create_robot (bool) – create robot at prim_path using asset from usd_path. Defaults to False

  • position (Optional[np.ndarray], optional) – The location to create the robot when create_robot is True. Defaults to None.

  • orientation (Optional[np.ndarray], optional) – The orientation of the robot when crate_robot is True. Defaults to None.

apply_action(control_actions: omni.isaac.core.utils.types.ArticulationAction) None

Apply joint positions, velocities and/or efforts to control an articulation

  • control_actions (ArticulationAction) – actions to be applied for next physics step.

  • indices (Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]], optional) – degree of freedom indices to apply actions to. Defaults to all degrees of freedom.


High stiffness makes the joints snap faster and harder to the desired target, and higher damping smoothes but also slows down the joint’s movement to target

  • For position control, set relatively high stiffness and low damping (to reduce vibrations)

  • For velocity control, stiffness must be set to zero with a non-zero damping

  • For effort control, stiffness and damping must be set to zero


>>> from omni.isaac.core.utils.types import ArticulationAction
>>> # move all the robot joints to the indicated position
>>> action = ArticulationAction(joint_positions=np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 2.4, 0.8, 0.04, 0.04]))
>>> prim.apply_action(action)
>>> # close the robot fingers: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8) to 0.0
>>> action = ArticulationAction(joint_positions=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
>>> prim.apply_action(action)
apply_visual_material(visual_material: omni.isaac.core.materials.visual_material.VisualMaterial, weaker_than_descendants: bool = False) None

Apply visual material to the held prim and optionally its descendants.

  • visual_material (VisualMaterial) – visual material to be applied to the held prim. Currently supports PreviewSurface, OmniPBR and OmniGlass.

  • weaker_than_descendants (bool, optional) – True if the material shouldn’t override the descendants materials, otherwise False. Defaults to False.


>>> from omni.isaac.core.materials import OmniGlass
>>> # create a dark-red glass visual material
>>> material = OmniGlass(
...     prim_path="/World/material/glass",  # path to the material prim to create
...     ior=1.25,
...     depth=0.001,
...     thin_walled=False,
...     color=np.array([0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
... )
>>> prim.apply_visual_material(material)
apply_wheel_actions(actions: omni.isaac.core.utils.types.ArticulationAction) None

applying action to the wheels to move the robot


actions (ArticulationAction) – [description]

disable_gravity() None

Keep gravity from affecting the robot


>>> prim.disable_gravity()
property dof_names: List[str]

List of prim names for each DOF.


prim names

Return type



>>> prim.dof_names
['panda_joint1', 'panda_joint2', 'panda_joint3', 'panda_joint4', 'panda_joint5',
 'panda_joint6', 'panda_joint7', 'panda_finger_joint1', 'panda_finger_joint2']
property dof_properties: numpy.ndarray

Articulation DOF properties

DOF properties


Property name




DOF type: invalid/unknown/uninitialized (0), rotation (1), translation (2)



Whether the DOF has limits



Lower DOF limit (in radians or meters)



Upper DOF limit (in radians or meters)



Drive mode for the DOF: force (1), acceleration (2)



Maximum DOF velocity. In radians/s, or stage_units/s



Maximum DOF effort. In N or N*stage_units



DOF stiffness



DOF damping


named NumPy array of shape (num_dof, 9)

Return type



>>> # get properties for all DOFs
>>> prim.dof_properties
[(1,  True, -2.8973,  2.8973, 1, 1.0000000e+01, 5220., 60000., 3000.)
 (1,  True, -1.7628,  1.7628, 1, 1.0000000e+01, 5220., 60000., 3000.)
 (1,  True, -2.8973,  2.8973, 1, 5.9390470e+36, 5220., 60000., 3000.)
 (1,  True, -3.0718, -0.0698, 1, 5.9390470e+36, 5220., 60000., 3000.)
 (1,  True, -2.8973,  2.8973, 1, 5.9390470e+36,  720., 25000., 3000.)
 (1,  True, -0.0175,  3.7525, 1, 5.9390470e+36,  720., 15000., 3000.)
 (1,  True, -2.8973,  2.8973, 1, 1.0000000e+01,  720.,  5000., 3000.)
 (2,  True,  0.    ,  0.04  , 1, 3.4028235e+38,  720.,  6000., 1000.)
 (2,  True,  0.    ,  0.04  , 1, 3.4028235e+38,  720.,  6000., 1000.)]
>>> # property names
>>> prim.dof_properties.dtype.names
('type', 'hasLimits', 'lower', 'upper', 'driveMode', 'maxVelocity', 'maxEffort', 'stiffness', 'damping')
>>> # get DOF upper limits
>>> prim.dof_properties["upper"]
[ 2.8973  1.7628  2.8973 -0.0698  2.8973  3.7525  2.8973  0.04    0.04  ]
>>> # get the last DOF (panda_finger_joint2) upper limit
>>> prim.dof_properties["upper"][8]  # or prim.dof_properties[8][3]
enable_gravity() None

Gravity will affect the robot


>>> prim.enable_gravity()
get_angular_velocity() numpy.ndarray

Get the angular velocity of the root articulation prim


3D angular velocity vector. Shape (3,)

Return type



>>> prim.get_angular_velocity()
[0. 0. 0.]
get_applied_action() omni.isaac.core.utils.types.ArticulationAction

Get the last applied action


last applied action. Note: a dictionary is used as the object’s string representation

Return type



>>> # last applied action: joint_positions -> [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 2.4, 0.8, 0.04, 0.04]
>>> prim.get_applied_action()
{'joint_positions': [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -2.200000047683716, 0.0, 2.4000000953674316,
                     0.800000011920929, 0.03999999910593033, 0.03999999910593033],
 'joint_velocities': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
 'joint_efforts': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}
get_applied_joint_efforts(joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) numpy.ndarray

Get the efforts applied to the joints set by the set_joint_efforts method


joint_indices (Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to read. Defaults to None (all joints)


Exception – If the handlers are not initialized


all or selected articulation joint applied efforts

Return type



>>> # get all applied joint efforts
>>> prim.get_applied_joint_efforts()
[ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
>>> # get finger applied efforts: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8)
>>> prim.get_applied_joint_efforts(joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
[0.  0.]
get_applied_visual_material() omni.isaac.core.materials.visual_material.VisualMaterial

Return the current applied visual material in case it was applied using apply_visual_material or it’s one of the following materials that was already applied before: PreviewSurface, OmniPBR and OmniGlass.


the current applied visual material if its type is currently supported.

Return type



>>> # given a visual material applied
>>> prim.get_applied_visual_material()
<omni.isaac.core.materials.omni_glass.OmniGlass object at 0x7f36263106a0>
get_articulation_body_count() int

Get the number of bodies (links) that make up the articulation


amount of bodies

Return type



>>> prim.get_articulation_body_count()
get_articulation_controller() omni.isaac.core.controllers.articulation_controller.ArticulationController

Get the articulation controller


If no articulation_controller was passed during class instantiation, a default controller of type ArticulationController (a Proportional-Derivative controller that can apply position targets, velocity targets and efforts) will be used


articulation controller

Return type



>>> prim.get_articulation_controller()
<omni.isaac.core.controllers.articulation_controller.ArticulationController object at 0x7f04a0060190>
get_default_state() omni.isaac.core.utils.types.XFormPrimState

Get the default prim states (spatial position and orientation).


an object that contains the default state of the prim (position and orientation)

Return type



>>> state = prim.get_default_state()
>>> state
<omni.isaac.core.utils.types.XFormPrimState object at 0x7f33addda650>
>>> state.position
[-4.5299529e-08 -1.8347054e-09 -2.8610229e-08]
>>> state.orientation
[1. 0. 0. 0.]
get_dof_index(dof_name: str) int

Get a DOF index given its name


dof_name (str) – name of the DOF


DOF index

Return type



>>> prim.get_dof_index("panda_finger_joint2")
get_enabled_self_collisions() int

Get the enable self collisions flag (physxArticulation:enabledSelfCollisions)


self collisions flag (boolean interpreted as int)

Return type



>>> prim.get_enabled_self_collisions()
get_joint_positions(joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) numpy.ndarray

Get the articulation joint positions


joint_indices (Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to read. Defaults to None (all joints)


all or selected articulation joint positions

Return type



>>> # get all joint positions
>>> prim.get_joint_positions()
[ 1.1999920e-02 -5.6962633e-01  1.3480479e-08 -2.8105433e+00  6.8284894e-06
  3.0301569e+00  7.3234749e-01  3.9912373e-02  3.9999999e-02]
>>> # get finger positions: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8)
>>> prim.get_joint_positions(joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
[0.03991237  3.9999999e-02]
get_joint_velocities(joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) numpy.ndarray

Get the articulation joint velocities


joint_indices (Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to read. Defaults to None (all joints)


all or selected articulation joint velocities

Return type



>>> # get all joint velocities
>>> prim.get_joint_velocities()
[ 1.91603772e-06 -7.67638255e-03 -2.19138826e-07  1.10636465e-02 -4.63412944e-05
  3.48245539e-02  8.84692147e-02  5.40335372e-04 1.02849208e-05]
>>> # get finger velocities: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8)
>>> prim.get_joint_velocities(joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
[5.4033537e-04 1.0284921e-05]
get_joints_default_state() omni.isaac.core.utils.types.JointsState

Get the default joint states (positions and velocities).


an object that contains the default joint positions and velocities

Return type



>>> state = prim.get_joints_default_state()
>>> state
<omni.isaac.core.utils.types.JointsState object at 0x7f04a0061240>
>>> state.positions
[ 0.012  -0.57000005  0.  -2.81  0.  3.037  0.785398  0.04  0.04 ]
>>> state.velocities
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
get_joints_state() omni.isaac.core.utils.types.JointsState

Get the current joint states (positions and velocities)


an object that contains the current joint positions and velocities

Return type



>>> state = prim.get_joints_state()
>>> state
<omni.isaac.core.utils.types.JointsState object at 0x7f02f6df57b0>
>>> state.positions
[ 1.1999920e-02 -5.6962633e-01  1.3480479e-08 -2.8105433e+00 6.8284894e-06
  3.0301569e+00  7.3234749e-01  3.9912373e-02  3.9999999e-02]
>>> state.velocities
[ 1.91603772e-06 -7.67638255e-03 -2.19138826e-07  1.10636465e-02 -4.63412944e-05
  245539e-02  8.84692147e-02  5.40335372e-04  1.02849208e-05]
get_linear_velocity() numpy.ndarray

Get the linear velocity of the root articulation prim


3D linear velocity vector. Shape (3,)

Return type



>>> prim.get_linear_velocity()
[0. 0. 0.]
get_local_pose() Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Get prim’s pose with respect to the local frame (the prim’s parent frame)


first index is the position in the local frame (with shape (3, )). Second index is quaternion orientation (with shape (4, )) in the local frame

Return type

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]


>>> # if the prim is in position (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) with respect to the world frame
>>> position, orientation = prim.get_local_pose()
>>> position
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> orientation
[0. 0. 0.]
get_local_scale() numpy.ndarray

Get prim’s scale with respect to the local frame (the parent’s frame)


scale applied to the prim’s dimensions in the local frame. shape is (3, ).

Return type



>>> prim.get_local_scale()
[1. 1. 1.]
get_measured_joint_efforts(joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) numpy.ndarray

Returns the efforts computed/measured by the physics solver of the joint forces in the DOF motion direction


joint_indices (Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to read. Defaults to None (all joints)


Exception – If the handlers are not initialized


all or selected articulation joint measured efforts

Return type



>>> # get all joint efforts
>>> prim.get_measured_joint_efforts()
[ 2.7897308e-06 -6.9083519e+00 -3.6398471e-06  1.9158335e+01 -4.3552645e-06
  1.1866090e+00 -4.7079347e-06  3.2339853e-04 -3.2044132e-04]
>>> # get finger efforts: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8)
>>> prim.get_measured_joint_efforts(joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
[ 0.0003234  -0.00032044]
get_measured_joint_forces(joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) numpy.ndarray

Get the measured joint reaction forces and torques (link incoming joint forces and torques) to external loads


Since the name->index map for joints has not been exposed yet, it is possible to access the joint names and their indices through the articulation metadata.

prim._articulation_view._metadata.joint_names  # list of names
prim._articulation_view._metadata.joint_indices  # dict of name: index

To retrieve a specific row for the link incoming joint force/torque use joint_index + 1


joint_indices (Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to read. Defaults to None (all joints)


Exception – If the handlers are not initialized


measured joint forces and torques. Shape is (num_joint + 1, 6). Row index 0 is the incoming joint of the base link. For the last dimension the first 3 values are for forces and the last 3 for torques

Return type



>>> # get all measured joint forces and torques
>>> prim.get_measured_joint_forces()
[[ 0.0000000e+00  0.0000000e+00  0.0000000e+00  0.0000000e+00  0.0000000e+00  0.0000000e+00]
 [ 1.4995076e+02  4.2574748e-06  5.6364370e-04  4.8701895e-05 -6.9072924e+00  3.1881387e-05]
 [-2.8971717e-05 -1.0677823e+02 -6.8384506e+01 -6.9072924e+00 -5.4927128e-05  6.1222494e-07]
 [ 8.7120995e+01 -4.3871860e-05 -5.5795174e+01  5.3687054e-05 -2.4538563e+01  1.3333466e-05]
 [ 5.3519474e-05 -4.8109909e+01  6.0709282e+01  1.9157074e+01 -5.9258469e-05  8.2744418e-07]
 [-3.1691040e+01  2.3313689e-04  3.9990173e+01 -5.8968733e-05 -1.1863431e+00  2.2335558e-05]
 [-1.0809851e-04  1.5340537e+01 -1.5458489e+01  1.1863426e+00  6.1094368e-05 -1.5940281e-05]
 [-7.5418940e+00 -5.0814648e+00 -5.6512990e+00 -5.6385466e-05  3.8859999e-01 -3.4943256e-01]
 [ 4.7421460e+00 -3.1945827e+00  3.5528181e+00  5.5852943e-05  8.4794536e-03  7.6405057e-03]
 [ 4.0760727e+00  2.1640673e-01 -4.0513167e+00 -5.9565349e-04  1.1407082e-02  2.1432268e-06]
 [ 5.1680198e-03 -9.7754575e-02 -9.7093947e-02 -8.4155556e-12 -1.2910691e-12 -1.9347857e-11]
 [-5.1910793e-03  9.7588278e-02 -9.7106412e-02  8.4155573e-12  1.2910637e-12 -1.9347855e-11]]
>>> # get measured joint force and torque for the fingers
>>> metadata = prim._articulation_view._metadata
>>> joint_indices = 1 + np.array([
...     metadata.joint_indices["panda_finger_joint1"],
...     metadata.joint_indices["panda_finger_joint2"],
... ])
>>> joint_indices
[10 11]
>>> prim.get_measured_joint_forces(joint_indices)
[[ 5.1680198e-03 -9.7754575e-02 -9.7093947e-02 -8.4155556e-12 -1.2910691e-12 -1.9347857e-11]
 [-5.1910793e-03  9.7588278e-02 -9.7106412e-02  8.4155573e-12  1.2910637e-12 -1.9347855e-11]]
get_sleep_threshold() float

Get the threshold for articulations to enter a sleep state

Search for Articulations and Sleeping in PhysX docs for more details


sleep threshold

Return type



>>> prim.get_sleep_threshold()
get_solver_position_iteration_count() int

Get the solver (position) iteration count for the articulation

The solver iteration count determines how accurately contacts, drives, and limits are resolved. Search for Solver Iteration Count in PhysX docs for more details.


position iteration count

Return type



>>> prim.get_solver_position_iteration_count()
get_solver_velocity_iteration_count() int

Get the solver (velocity) iteration count for the articulation

The solver iteration count determines how accurately contacts, drives, and limits are resolved. Search for Solver Iteration Count in PhysX docs for more details.


velocity iteration count

Return type



>>> prim.get_solver_velocity_iteration_count()
get_stabilization_threshold() float

Get the mass-normalized kinetic energy below which the articulation may participate in stabilization

Search for Stabilization Threshold in PhysX docs for more details


stabilization threshold

Return type



>>> prim.get_stabilization_threshold()
get_visibility() bool

true if the prim is visible in stage. false otherwise.

Return type



>>> # get the visible state of an visible prim on the stage
>>> prim.get_visibility()




Return type






Return type

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]

get_world_pose() Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Get prim’s pose with respect to the world’s frame


first index is the position in the world frame (with shape (3, )). Second index is quaternion orientation (with shape (4, )) in the world frame

Return type

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]


>>> # if the prim is in position (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) with respect to the world frame
>>> position, orientation = prim.get_world_pose()
>>> position
[1.  0.5 0. ]
>>> orientation
[1. 0. 0. 0.]
get_world_scale() numpy.ndarray

Get prim’s scale with respect to the world’s frame


scale applied to the prim’s dimensions in the world frame. shape is (3, ).

Return type



>>> prim.get_world_scale()
[1. 1. 1.]
get_world_velocity() numpy.ndarray

Get the articulation root velocity


current velocity of the the root prim. Shape (3,).

Return type


property handles_initialized: bool

Check if articulation handler is initialized


whether the handler was initialized

Return type



>>> prim.handles_initialized
initialize(physics_sim_view=None) None


is_valid() bool

Check if the prim path has a valid USD Prim at it


True is the current prim path corresponds to a valid prim in stage. False otherwise.

Return type



>>> # given an existing and valid prim
>>> prims.is_valid()
is_visual_material_applied() bool

Check if there is a visual material applied


True if there is a visual material applied. False otherwise.

Return type



>>> # given a visual material applied
>>> prim.is_visual_material_applied()
property name: Optional[str]

Returns: str: name given to the prim when instantiating it. Otherwise None.

Used to query if the prim is a non root articulation link


True if the prim itself is a non root link

Return type



>>> # for a wrapped articulation (where the root prim has the Physics Articulation Root property applied)
>>> prim.non_root_articulation_link
property num_bodies: int

Number of articulation links


number of links

Return type



>>> prim.num_bodies
property num_dof: int

Number of DOF of the articulation


amount of DOFs

Return type



>>> prim.num_dof
post_reset() None


property prim: pxr.Usd.Prim

Returns: Usd.Prim: USD Prim object that this object holds.

property prim_path: str

Returns: str: prim path in the stage

set_angular_velocity(velocity: numpy.ndarray) None

Set the angular velocity of the root articulation prim


This method will immediately set the articulation state


velocity (np.ndarray) – 3D angular velocity vector. Shape (3,)


This method belongs to the methods used to set the articulation kinematic state:

set_linear_velocity, set_angular_velocity, set_joint_positions, set_joint_velocities, set_joint_efforts


>>> prim.set_angular_velocity(np.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.0]))
set_default_state(position: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, orientation: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None) None

Set the default state of the prim (position and orientation), that will be used after each reset.

  • position (Optional[Sequence[float]], optional) – position in the world frame of the prim. shape is (3, ). Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.

  • orientation (Optional[Sequence[float]], optional) – quaternion orientation in the world frame of the prim. quaternion is scalar-first (w, x, y, z). shape is (4, ). Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.


>>> # configure default state
>>> prim.set_default_state(position=np.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.0]), orientation=np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]))
>>> # set default states during post-reset
>>> prim.post_reset()
set_enabled_self_collisions(flag: bool) None

Set the enable self collisions flag (physxArticulation:enabledSelfCollisions)


flag (bool) – whether to enable self collisions


>>> prim.set_enabled_self_collisions(True)
set_joint_efforts(efforts: numpy.ndarray, joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) None

Set the articulation joint efforts


This method can be used for effort control. For this purpose, there must be no joint drive or the stiffness and damping must be set to zero.

  • efforts (np.ndarray) – articulation joint efforts

  • joint_indices (Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to manipulate. Defaults to None (all joints)


This method belongs to the methods used to set the articulation kinematic state:

set_linear_velocity, set_angular_velocity, set_joint_positions, set_joint_velocities, set_joint_efforts


>>> # set all the robot joint efforts to 0.0
>>> prim.set_joint_efforts(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
>>> # set only the fingers efforts: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8) to 10
>>> prim.set_joint_efforts(np.array([10, 10]), joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
set_joint_positions(positions: numpy.ndarray, joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) None

Set the articulation joint positions


This method will immediately set (teleport) the affected joints to the indicated value. Use the apply_action method to control robot joints.

  • positions (np.ndarray) – articulation joint positions

  • joint_indices (Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to manipulate. Defaults to None (all joints)


This method belongs to the methods used to set the articulation kinematic state:

set_linear_velocity, set_angular_velocity, set_joint_positions, set_joint_velocities, set_joint_efforts


>>> # set all the robot joints
>>> prim.set_joint_positions(np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 2.4, 0.8, 0.04, 0.04]))
>>> # set only the fingers in closed position: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8) to 0.0
>>> prim.set_joint_positions(np.array([0.04, 0.04]), joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
set_joint_velocities(velocities: numpy.ndarray, joint_indices: Optional[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]] = None) None

Set the articulation joint velocities


This method will immediately set the affected joints to the indicated value. Use the apply_action method to control robot joints.

  • velocities (np.ndarray) – articulation joint velocities

  • joint_indices (Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]], optional) – indices to specify which joints to manipulate. Defaults to None (all joints)


This method belongs to the methods used to set the articulation kinematic state:

set_linear_velocity, set_angular_velocity, set_joint_positions, set_joint_velocities, set_joint_efforts


>>> # set all the robot joint velocities to 0.0
>>> prim.set_joint_velocities(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
>>> # set only the fingers velocities: panda_finger_joint1 (7) and panda_finger_joint2 (8) to -0.01
>>> prim.set_joint_velocities(np.array([-0.01, -0.01]), joint_indices=np.array([7, 8]))
set_joints_default_state(positions: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, velocities: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, efforts: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None) None

Set the joint default states (positions, velocities and/or efforts) to be applied after each reset.


The default states will be set during post-reset (e.g., calling .post_reset() or world.reset() methods)

  • positions (Optional[np.ndarray], optional) – joint positions. Defaults to None.

  • velocities (Optional[np.ndarray], optional) – joint velocities. Defaults to None.

  • efforts (Optional[np.ndarray], optional) – joint efforts. Defaults to None.


>>> # configure default joint states
>>> prim.set_joints_default_state(
...     positions=np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 2.4, 0.8, 0.04, 0.04]),
...     velocities=np.zeros(shape=(prim.num_dof,)),
...     efforts=np.zeros(shape=(prim.num_dof,))
... )
>>> # set default states during post-reset
>>> prim.post_reset()
set_linear_velocity(velocity: numpy.ndarray) None

Set the linear velocity of the root articulation prim


This method will immediately set the articulation state


velocity (np.ndarray) – 3D linear velocity vector. Shape (3,).


This method belongs to the methods used to set the articulation kinematic state:

set_linear_velocity, set_angular_velocity, set_joint_positions, set_joint_velocities, set_joint_efforts


>>> prim.set_linear_velocity(np.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.0]))
set_local_pose(translation: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, orientation: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None) None

Set prim’s pose with respect to the local frame (the prim’s parent frame).


This method will change (teleport) the prim pose immediately to the indicated value

  • translation (Optional[Sequence[float]], optional) – translation in the local frame of the prim (with respect to its parent prim). shape is (3, ). Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.

  • orientation (Optional[Sequence[float]], optional) – quaternion orientation in the local frame of the prim. quaternion is scalar-first (w, x, y, z). shape is (4, ). Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.


This method belongs to the methods used to set the prim state


>>> prim.set_local_pose(translation=np.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.0]), orientation=np.array([1., 0., 0., 0.]))
set_local_scale(scale: Optional[Sequence[float]]) None

Set prim’s scale with respect to the local frame (the prim’s parent frame).


scale (Optional[Sequence[float]]) – scale to be applied to the prim’s dimensions. shape is (3, ). Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.


>>> # scale prim 10 times smaller
>>> prim.set_local_scale(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
set_sleep_threshold(threshold: float) None

Set the threshold for articulations to enter a sleep state

Search for Articulations and Sleeping in PhysX docs for more details


threshold (float) – sleep threshold


>>> prim.set_sleep_threshold(0.01)
set_solver_position_iteration_count(count: int) None

Set the solver (position) iteration count for the articulation

The solver iteration count determines how accurately contacts, drives, and limits are resolved. Search for Solver Iteration Count in PhysX docs for more details.


Setting a higher number of iterations may improve the fidelity of the simulation, although it may affect its performance.


count (int) – position iteration count


>>> prim.set_solver_position_iteration_count(64)
set_solver_velocity_iteration_count(count: int)

Set the solver (velocity) iteration count for the articulation

The solver iteration count determines how accurately contacts, drives, and limits are resolved. Search for Solver Iteration Count in PhysX docs for more details.


Setting a higher number of iterations may improve the fidelity of the simulation, although it may affect its performance.


count (int) – velocity iteration count


>>> prim.set_solver_velocity_iteration_count(64)
set_stabilization_threshold(threshold: float) None

Set the mass-normalized kinetic energy below which the articulation may participate in stabilization

Search for Stabilization Threshold in PhysX docs for more details


threshold (float) – stabilization threshold


>>> prim.set_stabilization_threshold(0.005)
set_visibility(visible: bool) None

Set the visibility of the prim in stage


visible (bool) – flag to set the visibility of the usd prim in stage.


>>> # make prim not visible in the stage
>>> prim.set_visibility(visible=False)
set_wheel_positions(positions) None



positions (Tuple[float, float]) – [description]

set_wheel_velocities(velocities) None



velocities (Tuple[float, float]) – [description]

set_world_pose(position: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, orientation: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None) None

Ses prim’s pose with respect to the world’s frame


This method will change (teleport) the prim pose immediately to the indicated value

  • position (Optional[Sequence[float]], optional) – position in the world frame of the prim. shape is (3, ). Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.

  • orientation (Optional[Sequence[float]], optional) – quaternion orientation in the world frame of the prim. quaternion is scalar-first (w, x, y, z). shape is (4, ). Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.


This method belongs to the methods used to set the prim state


>>> prim.set_world_pose(position=np.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.0]), orientation=np.array([1., 0., 0., 0.]))
set_world_velocity(velocity: numpy.ndarray)

Set the articulation root velocity


velocity (np.ndarray) – linear and angular velocity to set the root prim to. Shape (6,).

property wheel_dof_indices




Return type


Holonomic Robot USD Setup

class HolonomicRobotUsdSetup(robot_prim_path: str, com_prim_path: str)

Sets up the attributes on the prims of a holonomic robot. Specifically adds the isaacmecanumwheel:radius and isaacmecanumwheel:angle attributes to the wheel joints of the robot prim

  • prim_path (str) – path of the robot articulation

  • com_prim_path (str) – path of the xform representing the center of mass of the vehicle

from_usd(robot_prim_path, com_prim_path)

if the USD contains all the necessary information, automatically extract them and compile

property mecanum_angles
property up_axis
property wheel_axis
property wheel_dof_names
property wheel_orientations
property wheel_positions
property wheel_radius


Quintic Polynomial

class QuinticPolynomial(xs, vxs, axs, xe, vxe, axe, time)

Quintic Polynomials Planner

class quintic_polynomials_planner(sx, sy, syaw, sv, sa, gx, gy, gyaw, gv, ga, max_accel, max_jerk, dt)

quintic polynomials planner

  • sx (_type_) – start x position [m]

  • sy (_type_) – start y position [m]

  • syaw (_type_) – start yaw angle [rad]

  • sv (_type_) – start velocity [m/s]

  • sa (_type_) – start accel [m/ss]

  • gx (_type_) – goal x position [m]

  • gy (_type_) – goal y position [m]

  • gyaw (_type_) – goal yaw angle [rad]

  • gv (_type_) – goal velocity [m/s]

  • ga (_type_) – goal accel [m/ss]

  • max_accel (_type_) – maximum accel [m/ss]

  • max_jerk (_type_) – maximum jerk [m/sss]

  • dt (_type_) – time tick [s]


time result rx: x position result list ry: y position result list ryaw: yaw angle result list rv: velocity result list ra: accel result list

Return type


Stanly Control

class stanley_control(state, cx, cy, cyaw, last_target_idx, p=0.5, i=0.01, d=10, k=0.5)

Stanley steering control. :param state: (State object) :param cx: ([float]) :param cy: ([float]) :param cyaw: ([float]) :param last_target_idx: (int) :return: (float, int)

PID Control

class pid_control(target, current, Kp=0.1)

Proportional control for the speed. :param target: (float) :param current: (float) :return: (float)

Omnigraph Nodes

Quintic Path Planner For Wheeled robots

Use odometry from a robot and a target position/prim to calculate a route from the robot’s starting position to the target position.

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • currentPosition (vectord[3]): Current position of the robot (recommended to use Get Prim Local to World Transform node).

  • currentOrientation (quatd[4]): Current rotation of the robot as a quaternion (recommended to use Get Prim Local to World Transform node).

  • targetPrim (target, optional): USD prim reference to the goal position/orientation prim.

  • targetPosition (vectord[3]): Target position (used if no targetPrim provided).

  • targetOrientation (quatd[4]): Target orientation (used if no targetPrim provided).

  • initialVelocity (double): Initial velocity. Default to 0.5.

  • initialAccel (double): Initial acceleration. Default to 0.02.

  • goalVelocity (double): Goal velocity. Default to 0.5.

  • goalAccel (double): Goal acceleration. Default to 0.02.

  • maxAccel (double): Max acceleration. Default to 1.5.

  • maxJerk (double): Max jerk. Default to 0.3.

  • step (double): Step. Default to 0.16666666667.

  • execOut (execution): The output execution.

  • pathArrays (double[]): The path v, x, y, and yaw arrays.

  • target (double[3]): Target position and orientation.

  • targetChanged (bool): Target position/orientation has changed.

setup any robot to be ready to be used by the holonomic controller by extract attributes from USD

Use this node to extract all the holonomic drive information from USD if the listed information are stored in the USD file already. If they are not in USD, you can manually set those values in the HolonomicController node

  • robotPrim (target): prim for the robot’s articulation root.

  • comPrim (target): prim for the center of mass xform.

  • usePath (bool): use prim path instead of prim target. Default to False.

  • robotPrimPath (token): prim path to the robot’s articulation root link when usdPath is true.

  • comPrimPath (token): prim path to the robot’s center of mass xform.

  • wheelRadius (double[]): an array of wheel radius.

  • wheelPositions (double[3][]): position of the wheel with respect to chassis’ center of mass.

  • wheelOrientations (double[4][]): orientation of the wheel with respect to chassis’ center of mass frame.

  • mecanumAngles (double[]): angles of the mechanum wheels with respect to wheel’s rotation axis.

  • wheelAxis (double[3]): the rotation axis of the wheels, assuming all wheels have the same.

  • upAxis (double[3]): the rotation axis of the vehicle.

  • wheelDofNames (token[]): name of the left wheel joint.

Holonomic Controller

Calculating the desired wheel speeds when given a desired vehicle speed.

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • wheelRadius (double[]): an array of wheel radius.

  • wheelPositions (double[3][]): position of the wheel with respect to chassis’ center of mass.

  • wheelOrientations (double[4][]): orientation of the wheel with respect to chassis’ center of mass frame.

  • mecanumAngles (double[]): angles of the mecanum wheels with respect to wheel’s rotation axis.

  • wheelAxis (double[3]): the rotation axis of the wheels. Default to [1.0, 0.0, 0.0].

  • upAxis (double[3]): the rotation axis of the vehicle. Default to [0.0, 0.0, 1.0].

  • inputVelocity (double[3]): velocity in x and y and rotation.

  • maxLinearSpeed (double, optional): maximum speed allowed for the vehicle. Default to 100000.

  • maxAngularSpeed (double, optional): maximum angular rotation speed allowed for the vehicle. Default to 100000.

  • maxWheelSpeed (double, optional): maximum rotation speed allowed for the wheel joints. Default to 100000.

  • linearGain (double): linear gain. Default to 1.

  • angularGain (double): angular gain. Default to 1.

  • jointVelocityCommand (double[]): velocity commands for the wheels joints.

Check if wheeled robot has reached goal

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • currentPosition (vectord[3]): Current position of the robot (recommended to use Get Prim Local to World Transform node).

  • currentOrientation (quatd[4]): Current rotation of the robot as a quaternion (recommended to use Get Prim Local to World Transform node).

  • target (double[3]): Target position and orientation. Default to [0, 0, 0].

  • targetChanged (bool): Target position/orientation has changed. Default to False.

  • thresholds (double[2]): Position and orientation thresholds at target. Default to [0.1, 0.1].

  • execOut (execution): The output execution.

  • reachedGoal (bool[]): Reached position and orientation goals.

Drive to Target Steering

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • currentPosition (vectord[3]): Current position of the robot (recommended to use Get Prim Local to World Transform node).

  • currentOrientation (quatd[4]): Current rotation of the robot as a quaternion (recommended to use Get Prim Local to World Transform node).

  • currentSpeed (vectord[3]): Current linear velocity of the robot.

  • maxVelocity (double): Maximum linear velocity of the robot. Default to 1.5.

  • reachedGoal (bool[]): Position and orientation thresholds at target. Default to [False, False].

  • pathArrays (double[]): The path v, x, y, and yaw arrays.

  • target (double[3]): Target position and orientation. Default to [0, 0, 0].

  • targetChanged (bool): Target position/orientation has changed. Default to False.

  • wheelBase (double): Distance between the centers of the front and rear wheels. Default to 0.4132.

  • thresholds (double[2]): Position and orientation thresholds at target. Default to [0.1, 0.1].

  • drawPath (bool): Draw the provided path curve onto the stage. Default to False.

  • step (double): Step. Default to 0.16666666667.

  • gains (double[3]): control, velocity and steering gains. Default to [0.5, 0.1, 0.0872665].

  • execOut (execution): The output execution.

  • linearVelocity (double): Current forward speed for robot drive.

  • angularVelocity (double): Current angular speed for robot drive.

Ackermann Steering Geometry

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • acceleration (double): Desired forward acceleration for the robot in m/s^2.

  • speed (double): Desired forward speed in m/s.

  • steeringAngle (double): Desired virtual angle in radians. Corresponds to the yaw of a virtual wheel located at the center of the front axle. By default it is positive for turning left and negative for turning right for front wheel drive. Default to 0.0.

  • currentLinearVelocity (vectord[3]): Current linear velocity of the robot in m/s.

  • wheelBase (double): Distance between the front and rear axles of the robot in meters.

  • trackWidth (double): Distance between the left and right rear wheels of the robot in meters.

  • turningWheelRadius (double): Radius of the front wheels of the robot in meters.

  • maxWheelVelocity (double): Maximum angular velocity of the robot wheel in rad/s.

  • invertSteeringAngle (bool): Flips the sign of the steering angle, Set to true for rear wheel steering.

  • useAcceleration (bool): Use acceleration as an input, Set to false to use speed as input instead. Default to True.

  • maxWheelRotation (double): Maximum angle of rotation for the front wheels in radians.

  • DT (double): Delta time for the simulation step.

  • execOut (execution): The output execution.

  • leftWheelAngle (double): Angle for the left turning wheel in radians.

  • rightWheelAngle (double): Angle for the right turning wheel in radians.

  • wheelRotationVelocity (double): Angular velocity for the turning wheels in rad/s.

Differential Controller

Use the wheel radius and the distance between the wheels to calculate the desired wheels speed when given a desired vehicle speed.

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • wheelRadius (double): radius of the wheels. Default to 0.0.

  • wheelDistance (double): distance between the two wheels. Default to 0.0.

  • dt (double): delta time. Default to 0.0.

  • maxAcceleration (double): maximum linear acceleration of the robot for forward and reverse, 0.0 means not set. Default to 0.0.

  • maxDeceleration (double): maximum linear braking of the robot, 0.0 means not set. Default to 0.0.

  • maxAngularAcceleration (double): maximum angular acceleration of the robot, 0.0 means not set. Default to 0.0.

  • maxLinearSpeed (double): max linear speed allowed for vehicle, 0.0 means not set. Default to 0.0.

  • maxAngularSpeed (double): max angular speed allowed for vehicle, 0.0 means not set. Default to 0.0.

  • maxWheelSpeed (double): max wheel speed allowed, 0.0 means not set. Default to 0.0.

  • linearVelocity (double): desired linear velocity. Default to 0.0.

  • angularVelocity (double): desired rotation velocity. Default to 0.0.

  • velocityCommand (double[]): velocity commands.